PopMM - 24/07/24 00:03

[00:03] [Rw]FreeMatt in
[00:19] Nah_Id_Win in
[00:19] Nah_Id_Win> where is koopa
[00:20] Nah_Id_Win> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txxtKehDpqQ
[00:20] Nah_Id_Win> this is the woman
[00:22] doom9718> gg wp
[00:23] doom9718> bro you cant quit like a host
[00:23] bignoobmanfr> forgot
[00:23] doom9718> :mad:
[00:24] doom9718> finally we won like allies lebannen
[00:24] doom9718> lol
[00:26] lebannen> lol
[00:26] lebannen> te pasas
[00:26] lebannen> casi morimos
[00:30] doom9718> sobrevivi que fue lo importante
[00:30] doom9718> tengo que practicar mas mi habilidad con la shaman
[00:32] lebannen> tienes camino que recorrer pero por ahora se logro xD
[00:32] doom9718> si
[00:32] doom9718> lol
[00:41] doom9718> +4
[00:45] o_mohammed out
[00:49] bignoobmanfr out
[01:04] bignoobmanfr in
[01:07] doom9718 out
[01:10] ExLordDeath in
[01:22] martian> 2 more
[01:22] martian> join cccp
[01:22] adray_tsi out
[01:25] martian> cccp
[01:25] martian> join
[01:28] bignoobmanfr out
[01:41] adray_tsi in
[01:44] bignoobmanfr in
[01:50] doom9718 in
[01:50] doom9718> hello guys
[01:54] ExLordDeath> hi
[01:54] doom9718> exlord i won today in purimnir
[01:54] doom9718> lol
[01:54] doom9718> my second won in that map
[01:55] doom9718> in 2v2
[01:55] doom9718> and my first victory with lebannen like a ally
[01:55] ExLordDeath> nice
[01:56] themrspysir in
[01:56] doom9718> talking about lebannen
[01:56] doom9718> lol
[01:56] ExLordDeath> hm
[01:56] ExLordDeath> i want spy to play
[01:56] Nah_Id_Win> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsxhBCSfiaM
[01:56] doom9718> what?
[01:57] doom9718> tmerspysir
[01:57] doom9718> hello
[01:57] themrspysir> hello
[01:57] ExLordDeath> ygg
[02:00] lebannen out
[02:02] bignoobmanfr out
[02:03] adray_tsi out
[02:12] bignoobmanfr in
[02:22] Nah_Id_Win out
[02:27] adray_tsi in
[02:31] [Rw]FreeMatt> gg
[02:32] doom9718> gg wp
[02:32] doom9718> i love that spell
[02:32] doom9718> so fun
[02:32] ExLordDeath> gg
[02:32] [Rw]FreeMatt> doom played well
[02:32] ExLordDeath> he did
[02:32] [Rw]FreeMatt> that looked liek exlords first game of pp
[02:32] ExLordDeath> lol you played the weirdest game possible
[02:33] ExLordDeath> you got 4 lights as your opening play and bbd
[02:33] ExLordDeath> ggwp
[02:33] [Rw]FreeMatt> u almsot didnt get lb mate
[02:33] ExLordDeath> because you came to my base with no spells to bb lol
[02:33] doom9718> lol
[02:33] doom9718> ty freematt
[02:33] [Rw]FreeMatt> full ghosts and wars
[02:33] ExLordDeath> you didnt have either when you pushed while i prayed
[02:33] [Rw]FreeMatt> everythign id need to interupt ur lb
[02:34] [Rw]FreeMatt> i had full ghsots
[02:34] [Rw]FreeMatt> and war hut done
[02:34] [Rw]FreeMatt> doom was that ur first game of lil base on pp?
[02:35] doom9718> yes
[02:35] [Rw]FreeMatt> "i have no idea waht to do"
[02:35] [Rw]FreeMatt> lol
[02:35] [Rw]FreeMatt> nice
[02:35] doom9718> yeah
[02:35] doom9718> no idea
[02:35] doom9718> lol
[02:35] [Rw]FreeMatt> so i can tell u now
[02:35] [Rw]FreeMatt> at least what u do there on 4v4
[02:35] doom9718> im listen
[02:35] [Rw]FreeMatt> u only convert liek 2-4 braves from iddle
[02:35] [Rw]FreeMatt> u use those 2-4 braves to farm for ur big base
[02:35] [Rw]FreeMatt> chiop all trees for big base
[02:36] [Rw]FreeMatt> typically u dont build on side strip but i ddint mind, msot allies will insist that u dont
[02:36] [Rw]FreeMatt> then yea u susally go for middle and watch front when ur big base goes to make u land
[02:36] [Rw]FreeMatt> btw u know u could aahve jsut dismanteld 1 of ur regualr huts to make a warrior hut right?
[02:36] doom9718> yes
[02:36] [Rw]FreeMatt> lol
[02:37] [Rw]FreeMatt> ur legit mesasging me mid attack
[02:37] [Rw]FreeMatt> abotua warior hut
[02:37] doom9718> but i dont want dismanteld a hut is mana
[02:37] [Rw]FreeMatt> like bad timing
[02:37] [Rw]FreeMatt> message somethign leikt aht once the shamen is dead
[02:37] doom9718> yeah that was my fault
[02:37] [Rw]FreeMatt> also i cast lb in my base and pinged
[02:37] [Rw]FreeMatt> u ddint do anyhting
[02:37] [Rw]FreeMatt> so i buld 2 more war huts
[02:38] doom9718> ok
[02:38] doom9718> when you pinged me i try to build warrio hut plan but
[02:38] [Rw]FreeMatt> u kileld bleus shamen twice that was huge
[02:38] doom9718> :0
[02:38] doom9718> fws
[02:38] doom9718> from everywhere
[02:38] doom9718> lol
[02:40] [Rw]FreeMatt> what does game results "cheated" mean
[02:41] cccp out
[02:41] doom9718> where say cheated?
[02:41] doom9718> that means some player use byrne
[02:41] doom9718> lol
[02:43] [D]Guiseppe> Sounds like you cheated hardware
[02:43] [Rw]FreeMatt> nah it was back to back 1v1s
[02:43] [Rw]FreeMatt> between exlorddeath and themrsspysir
[02:44] [D]Guiseppe> Hmm
[02:45] [Rw]FreeMatt out
[02:45] [D]Guiseppe> Idk prob but
[02:45] [D]Guiseppe> Bug*
[02:46] doom9718> hello josef
[02:46] ExLordDeath> +2
[03:06] bignoobmanfr out
[03:10] [D]Guiseppe> Hey doom
[03:13] themrspysir out
[03:13] bignoobmanfr in
[03:29] doom9718> +2
[03:29] doom9718> well exlord we try
[03:29] doom9718> i go to sleep
[03:29] doom9718> you see tomorrow bro
[03:29] doom9718> gn
[03:29] doom9718 out
[03:50] bignoobmanfr out
[03:51] ExLordDeath> gn
[03:59] Fivejj in
[04:00] Fivejj out
[04:43] nah in
[04:43] nah out
[04:43] nah in
[04:46] nah> If you want to play just send message
[04:46] nah> I am playing other game
[04:52] adray_tsi out
[04:54] nah> 5 sec
[04:54] nah> ok
[04:54] nah> lets go
[04:55] humanbean in
[05:11] bignoobmanfr in
[05:11] bignoobmanfr out
[05:23] nah out
[05:23] nah in
[05:23] nah out
[05:23] nah in
[05:27] doom9718 in
[05:27] doom9718 out
[05:31] doom9718 in
[05:34] doom9718 out
[06:33] Yumagati in
[06:34] chen120911 in
[06:35] Lirch in
[06:39] Abby19954025 in
[07:11] Zpektrix_TAS in
[07:11] Zpektrix_TAS out
[07:11] Zpektrix_TAS in
[07:19] ExLordDeath> we will do dead sea
[07:22] Nici out
[07:28] nah out
[08:14] Yumagati out
[08:14] Lirch out
[08:38] [AsG]Snak in
[08:39] [AsG]Snak out
[08:52] chen120911 out
[08:52] chen120911 in
[09:00] ExLordDeath> 1v1?
[09:19] Makse in
[09:19] Makse out
[09:21] christo0972 in
[09:32] christo0972 out
[10:08] rixta7 in
[10:32] Aessahahri in
[10:33] Aessahahri out
[10:40] christo0972 in
[10:44] ExLordDeath out
[11:23] christo0972 out
[11:31] rixta7 out
[12:12] [D]Guiseppe in
[12:41] [D]Guiseppe out
[12:42] [D]Guiseppe in
[12:45] doom9718 in
[12:45] doom9718> good morning guys
[12:46] doom9718> hello jozef
[12:46] [D]Guiseppe> morning doom
[12:47] doom9718> +2
[12:50] doom9718> brb ill take my bf
[12:51] [D]Guiseppe> think ill be back later too
[12:51] [D]Guiseppe> no players yet
[12:54] doom9718> yep
[12:59] [AvA]Mix_J in
[13:00] [AvA]Mix_J> hi all
[13:00] [AvA]Mix_J> doom do u want 1v1?
[13:01] doom9718> hi mix
[13:02] doom9718> give me a sec download work staff
[13:02] doom9718> downloading*
[13:07] doom9718> relogging
[13:07] doom9718 out
[13:08] doom9718 in
[13:08] doom9718 out
[13:09] doom9718 in
[13:09] doom9718> high ping with you mix
[13:10] doom9718> +2
[13:11] [D]Guiseppe out
[13:13] [AvA]Mix_J> +>
[13:13] [AvA]Mix_J> ye
[13:13] [AvA]Mix_J> 250
[13:13] [AvA]Mix_J> high
[13:14] [AvA]Mix_J> wanna do blast war?
[13:25] 00Shaman out
[13:45] [AvA]Mix_J out
[13:50] martian out
[13:50] martian in
[13:50] martian> my real rank again
[13:50] martian> warrir
[13:50] martian> warrior
[13:52] martian> gay love
[13:52] martian> for
[13:52] martian> chen
[13:53] doom9718> lol
[13:53] doom9718> hello martian
[13:53] martian> hello earthling
[13:54] doom9718> so you live in mars?
[13:54] lebannen in
[13:54] doom9718> hello lebannen
[13:54] martian> yeah and musk is my wife
[13:54] doom9718> omg
[13:54] martian> ;)
[13:55] martian> im a woman
[13:55] martian> shhhhhhhhh
[13:56] doom9718> ah
[13:56] doom9718> lol
[13:56] martian> sctually im a 12 year old girl
[13:56] doom9718> ok
[13:56] doom9718> and i have 8 year old
[13:57] martian> son?
[13:57] doom9718> what?
[13:57] martian> you said you have a 8 year old
[13:57] martian> i wish i had kids :(
[13:58] martian> well
[13:58] martian> if i didnt get mentally ill
[13:58] martian> i would have a wife
[13:58] martian> but hno
[13:58] martian> im 36
[13:58] martian> and im just a poor mentally ill person
[13:59] doom9718> ok
[13:59] martian> i guess by natural selection im not supposed to create offsprings and contribute my genes
[14:00] martian> doom
[14:00] martian> you are a future shaman player
[14:01] martian> it takes 99% of players atleast 6 months to beocme shaman
[14:01] martian> and you are new?
[14:01] martian> warrior allreadty
[14:02] martian> https://www.khanacademy.org/science/physics/forces-newtons-laws/treating-systems/v/two-masses-hanging-from-a-pulley
[14:02] martian> here doom
[14:02] martian> this is fun
[14:02] martian> im watching it
[14:02] martian> rn
[14:04] [AvA]Soma- in
[14:04] doom9718> ty martian
[14:04] doom9718> im trying
[14:04] martian> nah
[14:04] martian> you are smarter than you think
[14:04] doom9718> im new martian
[14:05] martian> try to understand what hes talking bout
[14:05] martian> in the video
[14:07] [AvA]Soma-> [AvA]Soma- + martian vs. lebannen + doom9718
[14:17] Kayin in
[14:17] Kayin out
[14:17] Kayin in
[14:17] humanbean out
[14:23] nah in
[14:23] nah out
[14:23] nah in
[14:27] doom9718> gg wp
[14:27] [AvA]Soma-> gg
[14:27] martian> wanna do walls?
[14:27] martian> rematch
[14:28] doom9718> nah
[14:28] doom9718> need rest
[14:28] martian> ok
[14:28] martian> gn
[14:28] lebannen out
[14:28] lebannen in
[14:29] martian out
[14:29] martian in
[14:29] lebannen out
[14:29] lebannen in
[14:30] martian> doom
[14:30] martian> watch the video
[14:30] martian> i sent you
[14:31] martian> https://www.khanacademy.org/science/physics/forces-newtons-laws/treating-systems/v/masses-on-incline-system-problem
[14:33] martian> see if you are smart enough to understand
[14:34] martian> i hate those sin and cosine
[14:34] martian> so its -4 times g
[14:34] martian> sin beta
[14:34] martian> or smth
[14:34] doom9718> lol
[14:35] martian> doom have you ever taken an iq test?
[14:36] doom9718> nop
[14:37] martian> https://www.iqtestacademy.org/home-2?cq_src=google_ads&cq_cmp=19818119475&cq_term=&cq_plac=&cq_net=x&cq_plt=gp&utm_source=google&utm_medium=googleads&utm_campaign=&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwzIK1BhAuEiwAHQmU3g6esZs7uLXGXHKkI9Y8PwiR_pyEtIvCeea0pOgqb-R8G8xwb6AXZBoC_zAQAvD_BwE
[14:37] martian> here
[14:37] martian> lets see if you are smart
[14:37] martian> this is an iq test
[14:38] doom9718> iq is a overstimate value
[14:38] martian> yeah
[14:38] martian> but
[14:39] martian> if you take an iq test you will learn that your not as smart as you thought you were
[14:39] martian> thats a real good lesson
[14:39] doom9718> i dont think so
[14:39] martian> https://www.khanacademy.org/science/physics/forces-newtons-laws/treating-systems/v/three-box-system-problem
[14:39] martian> then try this
[14:39] martian> one
[14:39] martian> see if you understand
[14:40] doom9718> be smart or not no depend about numbers depend about decisions
[14:40] martian> yeah true
[14:40] martian> im not smart
[14:40] martian> im only avarage
[14:40] martian> but idc
[14:40] martian> i wouldnt want to be a smart guy
[14:40] doom9718> lol
[14:40] martian> i mean
[14:40] martian> avarage iq in this mm
[14:41] martian> is prolly 110
[14:41] martian> but yet the majority of people here are much better at pop than me
[14:47] nah out
[14:48] nah in
[14:48] nah out
[14:48] nah in
[14:49] nah> Hi
[14:50] nah> 1v1? or 2v2?
[14:50] nah> Anyone wake up for a game?
[14:51] martian> no players
[14:51] martian> i will play chess
[14:55] [D]Guiseppe in
[14:59] nah out
[15:02] [D]Guiseppe out
[15:02] [D]Guiseppe in
[15:04] chen120911 out
[15:05] chen120911 in
[15:05] Abby19954025 out
[15:05] Abby19954025 in
[15:06] doom9718> +2
[15:07] doom9718 out
[15:07] doom9718 in
[15:07] doom9718 in
[15:07] doom9718 out
[15:08] doom9718> +2
[15:08] doom9718> soma and martian join us
[15:09] [D]Guiseppe> soma and I dont typically play on each other's host
[15:09] doom9718> ok
[15:10] [AvA]Soma-> if we find another host ok
[15:13] doom9718> +2
[15:16] RessurectioN_TAS in
[15:19] doom9718> :+2:
[15:22] doom9718> :+1:
[15:26] Kayin out
[15:26] [D]Guiseppe> danny ping higher than normal
[15:26] Kayin in
[15:26] Kayin out
[15:26] Kayin in
[15:27] doom9718> +1
[15:27] RessurectioN_TAS> yeaa
[15:27] RessurectioN_TAS> ppl still wake up
[15:27] RessurectioN_TAS> *awake
[15:28] [D]Guiseppe> doom i guess ill try again in a bit xD
[15:28] doom9718> lol
[15:35] martian> no he has been Taken.
[15:35] RessurectioN_TAS out
[15:38] martian> good dire news doom
[15:38] martian> you r coming home with me
[15:39] doom9718> eh?
[15:40] nah in
[15:40] nah out
[15:41] lebannen out
[15:43] martian> https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=466950862861544&set=a.106411922248775
[15:44] martian> me and my bf in the background
[15:46] martian> doom
[15:46] martian> do you play sekiro
[15:46] martian> ?
[15:46] martian> its the best game ever
[15:46] martian> get it on steam
[15:46] [GoD]FreeInca in
[15:46] martian> its "sekiro shadows die twice"
[15:47] [GoD]FreeInca> lol
[15:47] [GoD]FreeInca> amigo querido
[15:47] doom9718> aqui esperando a gente para jugar
[15:47] [GoD]FreeInca> joseph es muy negro
[15:47] doom9718> lol
[15:47] [GoD]FreeInca> esta muy muerto esto
[15:47] doom9718> entonces puso una foto falsa en su discord o se retoco con photoshop
[15:47] doom9718> si
[15:48] [GoD]FreeInca> uso mucho filtro
[15:48] doom9718> eso parece
[15:48] doom9718> lol
[15:48] [GoD]FreeInca> exacto y mucha iluminacion
[15:48] martian> https://www.chess.com/home
[15:48] [D]Guiseppe out
[15:48] martian> its my chess account on chess.com
[15:48] doom9718> martian deja de jalarte el ganzo jugando ajedrez
[15:48] martian> i am allready 1033 elo
[15:48] [GoD]FreeInca> el es ezquisofrenico
[15:48] doom9718> lol
[15:49] [GoD]FreeInca> dile que necesitas ayuda para salir de sotano
[15:49] [GoD]FreeInca> y veras
[15:49] doom9718> martian i need help to get out of my basement, can you help me?
[15:49] Saito_Vdm in
[15:49] [GoD]FreeInca> saito perra en calor
[15:50] doom9718> lol
[15:50] doom9718> wtf
[15:50] doom9718> saito habla español?
[15:50] [GoD]FreeInca> es bueno su español
[15:51] doom9718> +2
[15:51] doom9718> :+2:
[15:51] [GoD]FreeInca> dos negros mas
[15:51] doom9718> lol
[15:52] [GoD]FreeInca> muchos hablan pero son antipatrias
[15:54] Nici in
[15:54] doom9718> diras antipaticos?
[15:54] doom9718> hello nice
[15:54] doom9718> nici*
[15:54] [GoD]FreeInca> muy putas
[15:56] Saito_Vdm> Mirame con amor o con enojo
[15:56] Saito_Vdm> pero no dejes nunca de mirarme
[15:56] Saito_Vdm> porque quiero morir bajo e tus ojos
[15:56] doom9718> o saito es poeta
[15:56] doom9718> :+2:
[15:56] [GoD]FreeInca> es una perra en calor
[15:57] Meph in
[15:58] doom9718> hello meph
[15:58] [GoD]FreeInca> tu saludas a todo mundo
[15:58] doom9718> claro, hay que ser educado
[15:58] [GoD]FreeInca> y esas perras no te saludan
[15:58] doom9718> son timidos
[15:58] [GoD]FreeInca> volvere mas tarde
[15:58] [GoD]FreeInca> esta vacio
[15:59] doom9718> dale cuidate
[15:59] urepopulous2 in
[15:59] [GoD]FreeInca> jugare roblox
[15:59] doom9718> no
[15:59] doom9718> :+2:
[15:59] [GoD]FreeInca> lol´
[15:59] [GoD]FreeInca out
[16:02] doom9718> I created a clan for new and old players who want to be great again, if you are a new player we can make you a professional, we have a discord server with all the tips possible about the game. If you are interested write to me
[16:04] doom9718> :+2:
[16:06] [D]Guiseppe in
[16:06] doom9718> +2
[16:07] Saito_Vdm out
[16:07] doom9718 out
[16:07] doom9718 in
[16:09] [AvA]Soma- out
[16:09] [AvA]Soma- in
[16:10] Meph out
[16:29] [AsG]Manl1 in
[16:31] Kayin out
[16:37] urepopulous2 out
[16:37] Meph in
[16:37] Meph out
[16:44] [D]Guiseppe> pop ded
[16:51] [GoD]FreeInca in
[16:51] [GoD]FreeInca> negro
[16:53] [AvA]Soma-> freeinca join
[16:55] [D]Guiseppe> anyone :')
[16:55] [D]Guiseppe> if no one in 10 mins i go to the store
[16:56] jammy in
[16:56] [GoD]FreeInca> jammy get in
[16:56] jammy> where?
[16:56] [GoD]FreeInca> joseph
[16:56] jammy> nah
[16:56] [GoD]FreeInca> why
[16:56] [D]Guiseppe> Chichi come
[16:56] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Jammy only hosts himself
[16:56] [AvA]Soma-> I Have to play now too , or i have to go
[16:56] [D]Guiseppe> big bang wont join
[16:57] [D]Guiseppe> theres preachers in hut
[16:57] [AvA]Soma-> jammy only host himself against brave/spy ranks
[16:57] [D]Guiseppe> lol
[16:57] [AvA]Soma-> :lmao:
[16:57] [GoD]FreeInca> later i will play
[16:57] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> shame ppl don't play more 1v1v1 maps
[16:57] jammy> i will join someone else but him
[16:57] [GoD]FreeInca> [AvA]Soma-> jammy only host himself against brave/spy ranks
[16:57] [GoD]FreeInca> lol
[16:57] [AvA]Soma-> joseph what did you to him ??
[16:58] [D]Guiseppe> revealed he is bigbang
[16:58] [GoD]FreeInca out
[16:58] [AvA]Soma-> lol
[16:58] [D]Guiseppe> :topkek:
[16:58] [AvA]Soma-> everybody knew
[16:58] jammy> i can 1v1 these guys, and they wont accept the challenge
[16:58] [D]Guiseppe> whistleblower
[16:58] jammy> so no point arguing
[16:58] [D]Guiseppe> thats always been your mo
[16:58] [AvA]Soma-> i am too high rank to your games , i saw you always restrict your games brave - warrior rank
[16:58] [D]Guiseppe> never see you 1v1 fw's
[16:59] [D]Guiseppe> you only join games you can win
[16:59] [D]Guiseppe> simple
[16:59] jammy> how about u 1v1 me Guiseppe?
[16:59] [D]Guiseppe> sure, sign into your real account
[16:59] [D]Guiseppe> then we can
[16:59] jammy> excuses
[16:59] jammy> lel
[16:59] [AvA]Soma-> poor christo , he plays only 1v1 with you , you stole him maybe 70 points
[16:59] [D]Guiseppe> dont play fakes
[16:59] jammy> sure, or u should say 'cant play u jammy'
[17:00] jammy> its ok, understandable
[17:00] [D]Guiseppe> soma it's what he's always done
[17:00] [D]Guiseppe> when i was new it was the same
[17:00] jammy> i can play with my dick, and beat soma in a 1v1
[17:00] jammy> and still*
[17:00] [D]Guiseppe> No one is saying you dont have skill
[17:01] [AvA]Soma-> oh i forgot you are one of indonesia-oceania mafia
[17:01] jammy> i didnt come at u guys, u started this whole 'jammy only plays against newbies'
[17:01] jammy> i play what i like
[17:01] [D]Guiseppe> which is...
[17:01] [D]Guiseppe> playing noobies lol
[17:01] [AvA]Soma-> it's like fuck only kids
[17:01] [D]Guiseppe> not even dissing
[17:01] [D]Guiseppe> soma wtf
[17:01] jammy> which is any rank, based on my mood
[17:01] [AvA]Soma-> you are something like a pedorank
[17:01] [D]Guiseppe> no it's not at all
[17:02] [D]Guiseppe> :yikes:
[17:02] jammy> stfu Soma-, go help your mom in the kitchen
[17:02] [AvA]Soma-> ahahaha
[17:02] [AvA]Soma-> you are pathetic dude
[17:02] jammy> u quit lobby just coz i once said 'opponents are strong, we might lose' and boom, u quit from lobby
[17:03] jammy> u dont talk about skills mate
[17:03] [AsG]Manl1 out
[17:03] [AvA]Soma-> what? check my games , i play always in games with shaman/fw ranks
[17:03] [AvA]Soma-> not like you that restricts to warrior
[17:03] jammy> maybe, but u ran away, just coz i said we might lose
[17:03] jammy> why was that
[17:04] [AvA]Soma-> idk what you talking about , maybe drunk
[17:04] jammy> ofc u wont accept it now
[17:04] [D]Guiseppe> my only gripe with jammy is its not his real profile andddd points shouldnt matter
[17:04] [AvA]Soma-> i play always with players much more stronger than you
[17:04] jammy> i played braves to shaman, based on my will
[17:04] [D]Guiseppe> and only playing noobs, dont think he a bad guy or anything
[17:04] jammy> and mood
[17:04] [AvA]Soma-> so your arguing is "the nothing"
[17:04] [AvA]Soma-> not a bud guy
[17:05] jammy> i am not here to play the strongest, i play for my own fun
[17:05] [AvA]Soma-> bad*
[17:05] [AvA]Soma-> only a indomafia dude
[17:05] jammy> sometimes its easy gmaes, sometimes i like playing big players
[17:05] jammy> idk why u guys have problem with that
[17:05] [D]Guiseppe> your game history shows a pattern is all
[17:05] [AvA]Soma-> i don't have problems with that
[17:05] jammy> indomafia lol... now u have nothing else to say, so namecalling now
[17:05] [AvA]Soma-> i'm only killing time
[17:05] [D]Guiseppe> that you go into a games you can win exclusively
[17:06] [D]Guiseppe> and that makes pop not fun for those who are playing you
[17:06] jammy> i never force people to join me
[17:06] jammy> i sit in a hut, and ask sometimes ppl to join, if they do, they do
[17:06] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Enough talk guys, 1v1 or give it a rest
[17:06] jammy> else no games
[17:06] [D]Guiseppe> well to each their own, just saying i don't agree with it
[17:06] jammy> u guys wont remember me playing bigger ranks
[17:07] jammy> bigger players*
[17:07] [D]Guiseppe> jammy hasnt
[17:07] [D]Guiseppe> big bang did
[17:07] jammy> idk who is bigbang
[17:07] [AvA]Soma-> lol he reborn
[17:07] jammy> and i have played big players
[17:07] [D]Guiseppe> give it up already lmao
[17:07] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> okay, no games. I'm out
[17:07] [AvA]Toruk_Makto out
[17:07] [D]Guiseppe> nice Jammy
[17:07] [D]Guiseppe> made toruk leave
[17:07] [D]Guiseppe> :mad:
[17:07] [AvA]Soma-> :(
[17:07] jammy> lol
[17:07] [AvA]Soma-> :mad:
[17:07] [AvA]Soma-> poor toruk
[17:08] jammy> next time make sure to play instead of talk
[17:08] jammy> so people dont leave u lol
[17:08] [D]Guiseppe> we needed +1
[17:08] [AvA]Soma-> can't play a 4p map in 3p
[17:08] [AvA]Soma-> :lmao:
[17:08] [AvA]Soma-> i accepted to play in joseph host that is laggy to me , he knows
[17:08] jammy> maybe focus on calling people who are interested in joining then, instead of forcing someone to join lel
[17:08] jammy> your choice Soma-
[17:08] [D]Guiseppe> yea me and soma bad hosts for each other
[17:08] jammy> i dont want to play with Guiseppe, so i wont
[17:09] [D]Guiseppe> you only want to play a 1v1
[17:09] [AvA]Soma-> should i call You Joseph or Guiseppe
[17:09] [D]Guiseppe> because you feel you'll win :monkahmm:
[17:09] [D]Guiseppe> you see what i mean
[17:09] jammy> keep talking
[17:09] [D]Guiseppe> whatever you cant soma idm
[17:09] [D]Guiseppe> did i spell it wrong
[17:09] [D]Guiseppe> is it Giuseppe
[17:09] [D]Guiseppe> lol
[17:09] [AvA]Soma-> yeah
[17:09] [AvA]Soma-> lol
[17:09] [D]Guiseppe> xD
[17:09] [D]Guiseppe> Jops told me
[17:09] [AvA]Soma-> i know Many Giuseppes
[17:09] [AvA]Soma-> but 0 giuseppe
[17:10] [AvA]Soma-> 0 guiseppe*
[17:10] [D]Guiseppe> yea was a misspell
[17:10] [AvA]Soma-> was funny
[17:10] [D]Guiseppe> anyway Jammy
[17:10] [AvA]Soma-> XD
[17:10] Meph in
[17:10] [D]Guiseppe> nice chat, enjoy the day
[17:10] Meph out
[17:10] [D]Guiseppe> later soma
[17:10] [AvA]Soma-> later joseph
[17:10] [AvA]Soma-> you too
[17:11] jammy> u too, Guiseppe
[17:12] humanbean in
[17:13] Nici> yo
[17:13] Nici> was takin a major poo
[17:13] [AvA]Soma- out
[17:13] Nici> hey ice
[17:14] Nici> hey doominic
[17:15] humanbean> Yo Nici
[17:16] humanbean> hows summer treating you?
[17:16] Nici> great
[17:16] Nici> I did have birthday when you messaged me xD
[17:16] humanbean> oh really
[17:16] Nici> lol yea
[17:16] Nici> your messaged showed in notifications
[17:16] doom9718> im back
[17:17] Nici> but not in discord then
[17:17] humanbean> Well, I thought it was but then I thought it wasnt
[17:17] Nici> ahah it's fine
[17:17] Nici> no worries
[17:17] humanbean> Didn't see anyone else saying anything so thought i was wrong lol
[17:18] humanbean> Well happy belated birthday
[17:18] humanbean> again
[17:18] merciless1 in
[17:18] Lehike in
[17:18] Meme_Warrior in
[17:20] humanbean> not playing pop as much these days?
[17:22] Meme_Warrior out
[17:22] Lehike out
[17:28] doom9718> yeah
[17:28] doom9718> need more players
[17:31] [D]Guiseppe out
[17:41] [D]Nightfury in
[17:41] jammy out
[17:48] [GoD]FreeInca in
[17:54] doom9718> inca negro free esto sigue vacio
[18:00] [GoD]FreeInca> hace raticos habia
[18:00] [GoD]FreeInca> pero tu estabas afk
[18:02] doom9718> taba jugando dota
[18:02] doom9718> lol
[18:03] [GoD]FreeInca> jajajaja yo roblox
[18:03] doom9718> tremendo
[18:03] doom9718> :+3: and a good host
[18:07] [GoD]FreeInca> lol
[18:08] [GoD]Panda_bear in
[18:10] Abby19954025 out
[18:10] chen120911 out
[18:11] [Rw]Raver in
[18:13] doom9718> hi raver
[18:13] doom9718> hi intrepid
[18:14] [GoD]Panda_bear> hi doom
[18:20] [AvA]Mix_J in
[18:20] [AvA]Mix_J> good evening bitches
[18:20] doom9718> afternoon here
[18:21] [AvA]Mix_J> here 19;20
[18:21] doom9718> 13:23 here
[18:21] doom9718> lets play guys
[18:21] [AvA]Mix_J> :+3:
[18:21] [AvA]Mix_J> DEAD POP
[18:22] doom9718> yep
[18:22] [AvA]Mix_J> hi bianca
[18:22] [AvA]Mix_J> wanna 1v1^^
[18:23] [GoD]FreeInca> bitches
[18:24] [GoD]Panda_bear> hi mix
[18:24] [GoD]Panda_bear> and chichis
[18:24] [GoD]FreeInca> panda mom
[18:25] [GoD]FreeInca> hi
[18:27] doom9718> lol
[18:27] chen120911 in
[18:27] [AvA]Mix_J> +2 pp
[18:29] doom9718> if intrepid host maybe i can join
[18:29] [AvA]Mix_J> if she wants im ok
[18:29] [GoD]Panda_bear> idk if my internet is shit
[18:29] [AvA]Mix_J> lez try :D
[18:30] doom9718> try ;)
[18:30] chen120911 out
[18:30] doom9718 out
[18:30] doom9718 in
[18:31] [AvA]Mix_J> doom u get 150 in my host
[18:31] [AvA]Mix_J> 250
[18:31] [GoD]Panda_bear> :thinking:
[18:31] doom9718> lol same ping
[18:31] [GoD]Panda_bear> ye you should be around 150
[18:31] doom9718> no mix i get with you 250
[18:31] doom9718> im done
[18:31] [GoD]Panda_bear> or is that joseph lol
[18:31] doom9718> yeah jozef
[18:31] doom9718> lol
[18:31] [AvA]Mix_J> +1 noob
[18:33] [GoD]Panda_bear> joseph wake up and host :monkastab:
[18:33] doom9718> yeah
[18:34] chen120911 in
[18:34] Doom9718> @Joseph we need you
[18:34] doom9718> :)
[18:34] [GoD]Panda_bear> lol
[18:34] doom9718> called
[18:34] [GoD]Panda_bear> or another USA host
[18:34] [GoD]Panda_bear> inca join
[18:34] Abby19954025 in
[18:34] doom9718> inca negro free unete
[18:35] doom9718> entiendes el chiste freeinca
[18:35] doom9718> lol
[18:35] [AvA]Mix_J> lol
[18:35] Abby19954025 out
[18:35] Abby19954025 in
[18:35] Abby19954025 out
[18:36] [AvA]Mix_J> brb 5 min eating a mozzarella
[18:36] [GoD]Panda_bear> :good:
[18:36] Abby19954025 in
[18:36] doom9718> well we need other host
[18:38] Abby19954025 out
[18:38] jammy in
[18:38] Abby19954025 in
[18:38] 00Shaman in
[18:39] 00Shaman> hey b
[18:39] [GoD]Panda_bear> hey
[18:39] doom9718> 300ping
[18:39] doom9718> :)
[18:39] chen120911 out
[18:39] [GoD]Panda_bear> what if 00shaman hosts?
[18:39] doom9718> can try
[18:39] chen120911 in
[18:39] 00Shaman> mix is good host i think right?
[18:39] doom9718> same
[18:40] doom9718 out
[18:40] 00Shaman> abby and chen
[18:40] doom9718 in
[18:40] 00Shaman> relax
[18:40] [GoD]Panda_bear> lol
[18:40] doom9718> better
[18:40] 00Shaman> lvl?
[18:40] 00Shaman> 00Shaman + [GoD]Panda_bear vs. doom9718 + [AvA]Mix_J
[18:40] doom9718> give me green spot intrepid :3
[18:40] doom9718> ty
[18:40] Abby19954025 out
[18:40] doom9718> <3
[18:40] [GoD]Panda_bear> i llike red more anyway :p
[18:40] 00Shaman> let's do this
[18:41] doom9718> lol
[18:41] [GoD]Panda_bear> hollow fields?
[18:41] [GoD]Panda_bear> k
[18:41] Abby19954025 in
[18:42] lebannen in
[18:44] Mammy_Tas in
[18:44] Mammy_Tas> :heyguyz: :tree1:
[18:44] ExLordDeath in
[18:45] Mammy_Tas> hi Riley :)
[18:46] ExLordDeath> hi
[18:52] [AvA]Toruk_Makto in
[18:52] jammy out
[18:53] [GoD]FreeInca> stream
[18:54] humanbean in
[18:56] humanbean out
[19:00] Mammy_Tas out
[19:01] Mammy_Tas in
[19:06] [GoD]Panda_bear> sorry lagged out
[19:06] [AvA]Mix_J> me 2
[19:06] [GoD]FreeInca> lol
[19:06] [AvA]Mix_J> spyke all game
[19:06] [GoD]Panda_bear> hi :mammy: :)
[19:06] [AvA]Mix_J> funny map
[19:06] [AvA]Mix_J> 1st time
[19:06] doom9718 in
[19:06] doom9718> what happen?
[19:07] [GoD]FreeInca> you are too pro
[19:07] doom9718> mix, panda?
[19:07] [GoD]Panda_bear> i lagged out
[19:07] doom9718> 00shaman down?
[19:07] [AvA]Mix_J> yes internet
[19:07] [AvA]Mix_J> his internet
[19:07] doom9718> omg
[19:07] [AvA]Mix_J> also yesterday
[19:07] MrSmokin_hottie26 in
[19:09] [AvA]Mix_J> koopa host?
[19:09] [AvA]Mix_J> nici join
[19:09] MrSmokin_hottie26> bianka can host
[19:09] MrSmokin_hottie26> sec
[19:09] MrSmokin_hottie26> drink
[19:09] [AvA]Mix_J> get 1st ure only secondin league
[19:10] [AvA]Mix_J> nub
[19:10] doom9718> freeinca host
[19:10] [GoD]Panda_bear> i am bad host for doom
[19:10] doom9718> yep
[19:10] [Rw]FreeMatt in
[19:10] doom9718> freemat host us
[19:10] [GoD]Panda_bear> there we go
[19:10] [GoD]Panda_bear> our host arrived
[19:10] doom9718> :0
[19:10] [GoD]Panda_bear> lool
[19:10] [Rw]FreeMatt> THE CHAMP IS HERE
[19:10] [GoD]Panda_bear> the one and only
[19:10] [GoD]Panda_bear> nr. 1
[19:10] [AvA]Mix_J> matt hitler
[19:11] 00Shaman out
[19:11] [AvA]Mix_J> :D
[19:11] doom9718> let me relog
[19:11] doom9718 out
[19:11] doom9718 in
[19:11] doom9718> im ready
[19:11] [Rw]FreeMatt> Doom and I smoked exlord yesterday on pp
[19:11] doom9718 out
[19:11] doom9718> lol
[19:11] [GoD]Panda_bear> :o
[19:11] MrSmokin_hottie26 out
[19:11] [Rw]FreeMatt> [Rw]FreeMatt + [GoD]Panda_bear + doom9718 vs. [AvA]Mix_J + MrSmokin_hottie26 + [GoD]FreeInca
[19:12] doom9718> was fun
[19:12] [GoD]Panda_bear> make yourself big base
[19:12] [GoD]Panda_bear> i dont want it
[19:12] [D]Guiseppe in
[19:12] doom9718> hello jozef
[19:13] [GoD]Panda_bear> joseph :monkastab:
[19:13] [D]Guiseppe> hi
[19:13] [Rw]FreeMatt> hi jo
[19:13] doom9718> +2 free
[19:13] [D]Guiseppe> :monkastab:
[19:13] [D]Guiseppe> let me in
[19:13] [GoD]Panda_bear> lets get joseph
[19:13] [GoD]Panda_bear> and node
[19:13] doom9718> for lebannen and jozef
[19:13] [GoD]Panda_bear> or delax
[19:13] [D]Guiseppe> Hw Doom plays Dota2 too
[19:13] [Rw]FreeMatt> BRB
[19:13] [Rw]FreeMatt> yes but why not play HEROS OF TEH STORM
[19:13] doom9718> im ancient 2 4200 mmr
[19:13] [Rw]FreeMatt> pfree to play
[19:13] [D]Guiseppe> ohhh thats not the same one you play my bad
[19:13] doom9718> i play hots too
[19:14] [D]Guiseppe> how is everyone today
[19:14] [GoD]Panda_bear> good
[19:14] doom9718> im very fine
[19:14] [GoD]Panda_bear> you?
[19:14] [D]Guiseppe> lovely
[19:14] [AvA]Mix_J> fine u
[19:14] [D]Guiseppe> been on vacation all week
[19:14] [D]Guiseppe> napping etc
[19:14] [GoD]Panda_bear> damn nice
[19:14] [AvA]Mix_J> earning so much
[19:14] [GoD]Panda_bear> ill be from ffriday
[19:14] [D]Guiseppe> :feelssuperhappyman:
[19:14] doom9718> read this jozef: [Rw]FreeMatt> Doom and I smoked exlord yesterday on pp
[19:14] doom9718> lol
[19:14] [D]Guiseppe> nice lol
[19:14] [AvA]Mix_J> i need vacation
[19:15] [GoD]FreeInca> [Rw]FreeMatt + [AvA]Mix_J + MrSmokin_hottie26 + [D]Guiseppe vs. [GoD]Panda_bear + doom9718 + [GoD]FreeInca + lebannen
[19:15] [AvA]Mix_J> not front ty
[19:15] [GoD]Panda_bear> damn i guess me and node front
[19:15] [AvA]Mix_J> bored of 3v1
[19:15] [GoD]Panda_bear> chichis mid
[19:15] doom9718> im you back
[19:15] [Rw]FreeMatt> ok
[19:15] [GoD]Panda_bear> ye
[19:15] [D]Guiseppe> this was a staycation
[19:15] [D]Guiseppe> hope you get one soon mix :monkastab:
[19:16] [AvA]Mix_J> yeah i booked
[19:16] [D]Guiseppe> where you going?
[19:16] [AvA]Mix_J> italy
[19:16] [GoD]Panda_bear> :D
[19:16] [AvA]Mix_J> liguria alassio
[19:16] [Rw]FreeMatt> [Rw]FreeMatt + [AvA]Mix_J + MrSmokin_hottie26 + [D]Guiseppe vs. [GoD]Panda_bear + doom9718 + [GoD]FreeInca + lebannen
[19:16] [AvA]Mix_J> mediterran
[19:16] [D]Guiseppe> oh very nice
[19:16] doom9718> put me in back base
[19:16] [D]Guiseppe> you can visit soma
[19:16] [GoD]Panda_bear> hw
[19:16] [GoD]Panda_bear> make me and node front
[19:16] [GoD]Panda_bear> chichis mid
[19:16] [GoD]Panda_bear> doom back
[19:16] [AvA]Mix_J> he is very sout italy
[19:17] [AvA]Mix_J> south
[19:17] [GoD]Panda_bear> oh is he?
[19:17] [GoD]Panda_bear> didnt know that
[19:17] [D]Guiseppe> oh i thought he was in pompeii
[19:17] doom9718> put lebannen mid
[19:17] [AvA]Mix_J> nightfury is near me
[19:17] [D]Guiseppe> maybe because thats only italian city i now :monkahmm:
[19:17] [AvA]Mix_J> like 40 km
[19:17] [GoD]Panda_bear> llol
[19:17] doom9718> no
[19:18] merciless1 out
[19:18] merciless1 in
[19:19] [Rw]Raver out
[19:22] [AvA]Med in
[19:28] [AvA]Med out
[19:28] Sponge in
[19:29] martian> hmmm med suddenly dissapeared, and then i see Sponge , where is this world going to
[19:29] martian> :monkahm:
[19:30] martian> :monkahmm:
[19:30] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I think Sponge killed him
[19:31] Sponge> hello
[19:32] martian> where is this world going to :monkahmm:
[19:33] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> hell
[19:34] [GoD]FreeInca out
[19:34] [GoD]FreeInca in
[19:34] martian> toruk
[19:34] martian> prove to me that hell exists
[19:34] martian> there is no hell
[19:34] Sponge> did gato crash
[19:35] [GoD]Panda_bear> no
[19:35] [GoD]Panda_bear> hw did stupid bases
[19:35] Sponge> lol
[19:35] [GoD]Panda_bear> so chichis had enough
[19:35] [GoD]FreeInca> Well, he's a shitty host who turned the tables in his favor
[19:35] [GoD]Panda_bear> putting the unexperienced player
[19:35] [GoD]Panda_bear> as big base on walls
[19:35] [GoD]Panda_bear> the joke
[19:35] [GoD]Panda_bear> i told him what bases
[19:35] martian> freeinca told me bianca is her grandmother
[19:35] martian> is this true
[19:35] [GoD]Panda_bear> and he rigs it in his favour
[19:35] [D]Guiseppe> that quit was way too early
[19:36] [Rw]FreeMatt> free inca ur a big pussy lsoer
[19:36] [AvA]Mix_J> hi dsponge
[19:36] [AvA]Mix_J> sponge
[19:36] [GoD]FreeInca> put doom on big base
[19:36] [GoD]Panda_bear> ye
[19:36] [GoD]Panda_bear> joke
[19:36] [GoD]Panda_bear> i told you bases
[19:36] merciless1> with doomm as center ur doomed. LoL
[19:36] [Rw]FreeMatt> free inca please stop acting liek ur opinion matters
[19:36] Sponge> what map we saying
[19:36] martian> walls?
[19:36] [GoD]Panda_bear> and you did on purpose
[19:36] [GoD]Panda_bear> to have ez game
[19:36] [Rw]FreeMatt> cuz ur opinion doesnt matter opne bit
[19:36] MrSmokin_hottie26 out
[19:36] [D]Guiseppe> nah you guys were doing fine
[19:36] [Rw]FreeMatt> bianca ur also a dummy
[19:36] [D]Guiseppe> quit was because bd
[19:36] [D]Guiseppe> and premature
[19:36] MrSmokin_hottie26 in
[19:36] martian> freematt
[19:36] [Rw]FreeMatt> bianca if i put him fornt ud complain he was a front base who didnt make fws fast enuff
[19:36] [AvA]Mix_J> he predicted the loss
[19:37] [Rw]FreeMatt> msot people say to put weaker player sin back
[19:37] [GoD]Panda_bear> i asked to make him back base
[19:37] [GoD]FreeInca> bianca asked you to put me on big base and you put doom
[19:37] Sponge> ponge + [AvA]Toruk_Makto + [AvA]Mix_J + MrSmokin_hottie26 vs. martian + [Rw]FreeMatt + lebannen + [GoD]FreeInc
[19:37] [Rw]FreeMatt> so they have tiome to prep for battles
[19:37] [GoD]Panda_bear> i told you waht bases
[19:37] merciless1> big hw makin doom center how smart
[19:37] [D]Guiseppe> doom grew faster than the rest
[19:37] [GoD]Panda_bear> so shut it lol
[19:37] [AvA]Mix_J out
[19:37] martian> i found out how to beat the chained ogre in sekiro, use flame bombs
[19:37] [D]Guiseppe> but ye hw
[19:37] Sponge> happy with those teams?
[19:37] [AvA]Mix_J in
[19:37] [D]Guiseppe> if they requested bases lame to not do
[19:37] [Rw]FreeMatt> free inca idgaf
[19:37] [Rw]FreeMatt> sponge
[19:37] [Rw]FreeMatt> do we have a another
[19:37] Sponge> yo
[19:37] [Rw]FreeMatt> isntead of freeinca?
[19:37] Sponge> another what
[19:37] [Rw]FreeMatt> he jsut quit a game
[19:37] [GoD]Panda_bear> lol
[19:37] [AvA]Mix_J> kick quitter
[19:37] martian> lol dongato so lucky man
[19:37] [Rw]FreeMatt> yea kick quitter
[19:37] martian> so nice family
[19:37] [Rw]FreeMatt> we wait for another
[19:37] doom9718 out
[19:37] Sponge> I've never had any issues with him
[19:38] [Rw]FreeMatt> hes awful
[19:38] Sponge> lol
[19:38] merciless1> well give him proper base positions then hw
[19:38] [AvA]Mix_J> he just seen bd quitted
[19:38] [Rw]FreeMatt> ruins games all the time
[19:38] merciless1> u play with doom as center lmao
[19:38] [GoD]Panda_bear> yes
[19:38] merciless1> lets see if ur truly the big hw
[19:38] [GoD]Panda_bear> the jokes
[19:38] [Rw]FreeMatt> ur cant put weakest players in front bases
[19:38] Sponge> me hw koopa and gato front bases?
[19:38] [Rw]FreeMatt> then they fail there on early side
[19:38] [Rw]Raver in
[19:38] [GoD]Panda_bear> what does this guy not get
[19:38] [GoD]Panda_bear> lmao
[19:38] [Rw]FreeMatt> idgaf what wsom eunemplyed girl says tbh
[19:38] [GoD]Panda_bear> it was simple
[19:38] merciless1> maybe listen to what people says hw
[19:38] [GoD]Panda_bear> me node front
[19:38] [GoD]Panda_bear> chichis mid
[19:38] [GoD]Panda_bear> doom back
[19:38] [GoD]Panda_bear> but no hw wanted ez game
[19:39] [GoD]Panda_bear> gg
[19:39] merciless1> if she wants u to put hmi top back u do it brah
[19:39] merciless1> else this happens
[19:39] [Rw]FreeMatt> yo
[19:39] [Rw]FreeMatt> spionge
[19:39] martian> putin?
[19:39] martian> who said that
[19:39] [Rw]FreeMatt> kick free inca
[19:39] [Rw]FreeMatt> and let joe in
[19:39] [GoD]FreeInca> the guy just wants points
[19:39] martian> noone speaks that name ever again.
[19:39] [GoD]Panda_bear> yes chichis
[19:39] Sponge> I don't like to kick people
[19:39] [GoD]Panda_bear> the easier the better
[19:39] MrSmokin_hottie26 in
[19:39] [AvA]Mix_J> Putout
[19:39] merciless1> u gotta understand tho
[19:39] MrSmokin_hottie26> yall w8d for me :pepelove:
[19:39] merciless1> hw needs ez ptssz
[19:39] martian> kpa do you still drive a bus?
[19:39] Sponge> shall we do fw's front bases
[19:39] Sponge> ??
[19:40] [Rw]FreeMatt> kick inca
[19:40] [Rw]FreeMatt> joe much better palyer
[19:40] [AvA]Mix_J> let night in
[19:40] martian> .... shall we launch allready?
[19:40] [Rw]FreeMatt> spoinge wtf dont u get inca jsut left a game, because he saw a bd transpiring
[19:40] Sponge> delax is afk
[19:40] [Rw]FreeMatt> it hadnt even coencnted yet
[19:40] [GoD]FreeInca> shut up hw
[19:40] [Rw]FreeMatt> hes a pos
[19:40] merciless1> all hosts have to do is listen to player's base position requests, not hard :shrug:
[19:40] [GoD]Panda_bear> no he left cuz you did shit bases
[19:40] [GoD]Panda_bear> and had to bd the low rank
[19:40] [AvA]Mix_J> inca i tough u were good
[19:40] [Rw]FreeMatt> no u dumb fuck cunt
[19:40] [Rw]FreeMatt> he didnt
[19:40] [Rw]FreeMatt> cuz it was 20 minutes into teh game
[19:40] Sponge> hm
[19:41] martian> i guess matt could educate some people
[19:41] [AvA]Mix_J> sponge u left ava?
[19:41] [D]Guiseppe> chichis is better than me
[19:41] [GoD]FreeInca> le hizo bd a doom por eso me sali
[19:41] MrSmokin_hottie26> about time u fhks did shit
[19:41] [D]Guiseppe> youre just mad at him lol
[19:41] MrSmokin_hottie26> i was taking a hammerin since start of game
[19:41] Sponge> i just changed my name
[19:41] [Rw]FreeMatt> nah jo u under estimate urself
[19:41] [GoD]FreeInca> no podian por delante
[19:41] merciless1> a esta gente se la suda lol
[19:41] [AvA]Mix_J> ah good to know
[19:41] merciless1> el caso es ganar xd
[19:41] [Rw]FreeMatt> and over prioritize his fake fw rank
[19:41] [GoD]FreeInca> pero puso a doom en big base
[19:41] merciless1> si, lo vi
[19:42] [D]Guiseppe> ye felt so much pressure at start kpa
[19:42] martian> since were going to wait a few hours.. i will take a shower
[19:42] [D]Guiseppe> i felt like they were winning up to bd point
[19:42] [GoD]Panda_bear> lmao
[19:42] [GoD]FreeInca> que puto jaja
[19:42] [GoD]Panda_bear> we could still have won
[19:42] [GoD]Panda_bear> i went to bd alredy
[19:42] [GoD]FreeInca> deberia darle chele a su hermana
[19:42] merciless1> hw, don gato is saying that u couldnt beat them trough front, so u went to bd cos u knew doom was weak and u took advantage of it like a lil pussy gg
[19:42] [Rw]FreeMatt> no shit
[19:42] [AvA]Mix_J> just stay in game after 1 attack urent dead
[19:42] [Rw]FreeMatt> inca ruins games
[19:42] [GoD]Panda_bear> so no one knows
[19:42] [D]Guiseppe> well regardless chichis didnt quit because the people were in wrong spot
[19:42] [Rw]FreeMatt> quittign when he thi9nks its over, when he has no idea cuz hes jsut a noob
[19:42] [D]Guiseppe> or he woulda quit early
[19:42] [GoD]Panda_bear> but still shit he put unexperienced player as our big
[19:42] [D]Guiseppe> he definitely quit too soon
[19:43] [GoD]Panda_bear> if anything make node
[19:43] martian> Sponge can we launch
[19:43] MrSmokin_hottie26 out
[19:43] [D]Guiseppe> i agree bianca
[19:43] [AvA]Mix_J> give to him chance
[19:43] [GoD]Panda_bear> doom is good
[19:43] [GoD]Panda_bear> but hasnt experience
[19:43] martian> he lacks multtasking skills
[19:43] merciless1> merciless1> hw, don gato is saying that u couldnt beat them trough front, so u went to bd cos u knew doom was weak and u took advantage of it like a lil pussy gg
[19:43] merciless1> dis is truh tho
[19:43] martian> because you get them by expeience
[19:43] merciless1> :pog:
[19:43] [GoD]Panda_bear> lmao
[19:43] [Rw]FreeMatt> vhan
[19:43] [AvA]Mix_J> pop teacher ossur
[19:43] [Rw]FreeMatt> tahts liek sayign bds dont happen on 4 walls
[19:43] [Rw]FreeMatt> lol
[19:44] martian> mix
[19:44] martian> tbh
[19:44] [GoD]FreeInca> 1v1 hw?
[19:44] [D]Guiseppe> ossur is right
[19:44] [Rw]FreeMatt> when they happen every single 4v4 on walls
[19:44] merciless1> but u truly did it cos doom was there brah
[19:44] martian> i could teach ya alot of things from the other side
[19:44] [GoD]Panda_bear> yes sho
[19:44] [D]Guiseppe> but i think doom will be a preacher in a month or so
[19:44] martian> gay side
[19:44] [GoD]Panda_bear> oh he will
[19:44] [GoD]Panda_bear> then hw can put him mid gladly
[19:44] [GoD]Panda_bear> but then he wont anymore
[19:44] [GoD]Panda_bear> :kek:
[19:44] [GoD]Panda_bear> needs a new noob
[19:44] [GoD]FreeInca> is afraid of 1v1
[19:44] [D]Guiseppe> it was sneaky move i agree with you bianca xD
[19:44] [GoD]FreeInca> :D
[19:46] Power in
[19:46] [D]Guiseppe> well maybe he will know, i told him cast blast quick but not if you are going north
[19:48] Dougs in
[19:50] [D]Guiseppe> hey power :feelssuperhappyman"
[19:51] [D]Guiseppe> :feellssuperhappyman:
[19:51] [D]Guiseppe> omggg
[19:51] [GoD]Panda_bear> lmao
[19:51] [GoD]Panda_bear> hi power
[19:51] [D]Guiseppe> :feelssuperhappyman:
[19:51] [GoD]Panda_bear> :feelssuperhappyman:
[19:52] Power> Hey Joseph
[19:52] Power> Hey Bianca
[19:52] Power> how u guys doing
[19:53] [GoD]Panda_bear> good
[19:53] [GoD]Panda_bear> except for hw being a pussy
[19:53] [GoD]Panda_bear> as host
[19:53] Power> well thats life
[19:53] [GoD]Panda_bear> xd
[19:53] [GoD]Panda_bear> how are you?
[19:54] Power> well kinda exhausted
[19:54] [D]Guiseppe> Im good
[19:54] DisBiscuit in
[19:54] Power> all day worked
[19:54] [D]Guiseppe> were you picking appricots?
[19:54] ExLordDeath> ggwp
[19:54] Power> yes i were Joseph
[19:54] [D]Guiseppe> i bet that does get exhausting
[19:54] Power> then i dont know if u guys know clash royale wanted to play that game
[19:54] Power> then gone mad
[19:54] Power> and opened pc
[19:54] Power> lol
[19:55] [D]Guiseppe> what ?
[19:55] [D]Guiseppe> you gone mad?
[19:55] Power> cause of game
[19:55] Power> :kek:
[19:55] Power> nvm no emojis
[19:55] [D]Guiseppe> oh lol
[19:55] [D]Guiseppe> I never played it
[19:55] Power> just rage quited that game and come here
[19:55] [D]Guiseppe> is it good
[19:55] [D]Guiseppe> xD
[19:55] [GoD]Panda_bear> lmao
[19:55] Power> well depends what u call as good
[19:55] Power> its card based game
[19:56] DisBiscuit out
[19:59] [D]Guiseppe> interesting
[19:59] Power> did u checked it
[20:01] [D]Guiseppe> brb
[20:01] [D]Guiseppe out
[20:03] [D]Guiseppe in
[20:08] Saito_Vdm in
[20:08] Saito_Vdm> ay ay ay corazon espinado
[20:08] Saito_Vdm> aaaaay como me duele el amor
[20:14] [GoD]FreeInca> el culito te dolera
[20:15] MrSmokin_hottie26 out
[20:15] [AvA]Mix_J> :muscles:
[20:15] [Rw]FreeMatt> free inca is not a good player
[20:15] MrSmokin_hottie26 in
[20:16] [GoD]FreeInca> 1v1?
[20:16] [Rw]FreeMatt> 2 game swhere he suxed balls
[20:16] [AvA]Mix_J out
[20:16] [Rw]FreeMatt> like big huge balls
[20:16] [AvA]Mix_J in
[20:16] [Rw]FreeMatt> like big koopa balls
[20:16] merciless1> dayum hw don gato is challenging u to 1v1
[20:16] merciless1> wut u sey
[20:16] [GoD]FreeInca> If you beat me I'll suck your dick
[20:16] [Rw]FreeMatt> i dont play quitting noobs
[20:16] merciless1> :cringe:
[20:16] Power> 7
[20:17] [AvA]Mix_J> sup power
[20:17] Power> yoo
[20:17] Power> sup mix
[20:17] [GoD]FreeInca> maybe scared 1v1 hw
[20:17] [AvA]Mix_J> matt not good in 1v1
[20:17] Power> 1v1 me chiches
[20:17] Power> you host
[20:17] [AvA]Mix_J> :D
[20:18] [GoD]FreeInca> the guy calls me a noob and doesn't want 1v1
[20:18] Power> i do
[20:18] Power> wtf
[20:18] [Rw]FreeMatt> i have real games
[20:18] merciless1> he meant hw
[20:18] Power> sho
[20:18] Power> dude
[20:18] merciless1> dude
[20:18] Power> dont block it
[20:18] nah in
[20:18] merciless1> block wut
[20:18] Power> i was about to get a 1v1 maybe
[20:18] [AvA]Mix_J> stop walls
[20:18] [Rw]FreeMatt> thank god
[20:18] [AvA]Mix_J> always walls
[20:18] nah out
[20:18] merciless1> don gato vs pwoer
[20:18] [Rw]FreeMatt> a good game iwht no quitting noob freeinca
[20:18] merciless1> gogog
[20:18] nah in
[20:18] Power> yes
[20:18] [AvA]Mix_J> i play with eyes closed it
[20:18] [GoD]Panda_bear> sho why dotn you host today
[20:19] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> no walls, go push or Riverside
[20:19] merciless1> idk bored B
[20:19] [GoD]Panda_bear> ye do push
[20:19] Power> go gin tonic
[20:19] [GoD]FreeInca> im going to sleep, let me know if there are any good games
[20:19] [Rw]FreeMatt> [Rw]FreeMatt + [AvA]Toruk_Makto + [D]Guiseppe + lebannen vs. Saito_Vdm + Dougs + [AvA]Mix_J + MrSmokin_hottie26
[20:19] Power> or 0cet islands
[20:19] Power> 1v1 me
[20:19] merciless1> tienes un gg chichis
[20:19] [AvA]Mix_J> do push
[20:19] [Rw]FreeMatt> yo torruk
[20:19] Power> its good game
[20:19] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Bianca, you're not even in this hut :kekw:
[20:19] [AvA]Mix_J> matt
[20:19] [D]Guiseppe> chichi its 3 pm
[20:19] [D]Guiseppe> you nerd
[20:19] [GoD]Panda_bear> lol
[20:19] merciless1> juegale a power 1v1 :kek:
[20:19] [GoD]Panda_bear> hw will put saito on carry base
[20:19] [GoD]Panda_bear> :peped:
[20:19] [GoD]FreeInca> deberas que putos son al rotar esos anfitriones
[20:19] merciless1> todos putos si
[20:19] merciless1> pero juegale a pwoer
[20:19] merciless1> lol
[20:19] Power> any 1v1 ?
[20:20] [AvA]Mix_J> i wish power
[20:20] [D]Guiseppe> i got this for you power
[20:20] [D]Guiseppe> :fu:
[20:20] [GoD]FreeInca> anda arrecho power
[20:20] [AvA]Mix_J> but im too asleep
[20:20] [D]Guiseppe> :pepelove:
[20:20] [GoD]FreeInca> que se la jale
[20:20] [AvA]Mix_J> for be fast
[20:20] Power> ty Joseph
[20:20] merciless1> loll
[20:20] Power> me too dw
[20:20] merciless1> te da miedo pwoer
[20:20] Power> mix
[20:20] [Rw]FreeMatt> [Rw]FreeMatt> [Rw]FreeMatt + [AvA]Toruk_Makto + [D]Guiseppe + lebannen vs. Saito_Vdm + Dougs + [AvA]Mix_J + MrSmokin_hottie26
[20:20] [GoD]FreeInca> no pero solo que ya me aburro
[20:20] [GoD]FreeInca> aburri
[20:20] nah> hello
[20:20] merciless1> ahhh
[20:20] [GoD]FreeInca> naaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh
[20:20] merciless1> sera eso
[20:20] merciless1> lmaooo
[20:20] [D]Guiseppe> do a different map
[20:20] [AvA]Mix_J> matt change MAP
[20:20] Power out
[20:20] [D]Guiseppe> not push tho
[20:21] [AvA]Mix_J> PUSH
[20:21] [AvA]Mix_J> MMM
[20:21] merciless1> yo le he ganado como 10 veces seguidas ya
[20:21] [GoD]FreeInca> bueno ire a socializar en la vida real
[20:21] merciless1> loool
[20:21] merciless1> venga va
[20:21] [AvA]Mix_J> rght inca
[20:21] [GoD]FreeInca> panda mom
[20:21] [GoD]FreeInca> basement
[20:21] [GoD]FreeInca out
[20:21] nah> seems Download eat all my connectgion xD
[20:21] nah out
[20:21] [GoD]Panda_bear> jesus christ another boring walls game
[20:22] [D]Guiseppe> we all ask another map
[20:22] Dougs> and as usual someone leaves
[20:22] [D]Guiseppe> maybe hw didnt see :kekw:
[20:22] [GoD]Panda_bear> no wonder
[20:22] merciless1> walls for a change :feelsdecentman:
[20:22] [Rw]FreeMatt> come back
[20:22] [AvA]Mix_J> 3 times
[20:22] Dougs> why do i bother getting in 8p games man :')
[20:22] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I tried, Bianca :shrug:
[20:22] [Rw]FreeMatt> oh i seen but im host
[20:22] [Rw]FreeMatt> and i love walls
[20:22] nah in
[20:22] [D]Guiseppe> that worked well for you huh
[20:22] Saito_Vdm> Somos complices los dos
[20:22] [AvA]Mix_J> yggdratom?
[20:22] [AvA]Mix_J> pp 8p?
[20:22] [GoD]Panda_bear> i bet he put saito as mid base
[20:22] [GoD]Panda_bear> on other team
[20:22] nah out
[20:22] [D]Guiseppe> lol
[20:22] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> go Moscow Mule
[20:22] nah in
[20:23] [AvA]Mix_J out
[20:23] [D]Guiseppe> if i get one more political text
[20:23] Saito_Vdm> :bian:
[20:23] [AvA]Mix_J in
[20:23] [D]Guiseppe> im going to explode
[20:23] [GoD]Panda_bear> lol
[20:23] [D]Guiseppe> "vote for blah blaah! Donate now"
[20:23] [Rw]FreeMatt> 1 more
[20:23] nah> hm
[20:23] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> ye Joseph, I get several a day now
[20:23] [D]Guiseppe> same ian
[20:23] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> fucking done with it
[20:23] nah> I can try :)
[20:24] [D]Guiseppe> I would spite vote republican
[20:24] [D]Guiseppe> but im not retarded
[20:24] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> lol
[20:24] [AvA]Mix_J> +2 pp
[20:24] nah> yap
[20:24] nah> Matt is ckicking me
[20:24] nah> :)
[20:24] nah> 3rd night in row I can not join his lobby
[20:24] [D]Guiseppe> what happened between you guys
[20:24] [Rw]FreeMatt> never heard of him?
[20:25] [D]Guiseppe> oh he has it restricted
[20:25] nah> Dunno, I took the center killed 2 shamanas
[20:25] nah> And 3rd guy managed to get on three of us and kill us
[20:25] nah> after that I am unable to play
[20:25] [Rw]FreeMatt> [Rw]FreeMatt + [D]Guiseppe + Saito_Vdm vs. [AvA]Toruk_Makto + lebannen + MrSmokin_hottie26
[20:25] [D]Guiseppe> tf not
[20:25] [GoD]Panda_bear> got a tip for you hw. put saito carry base
[20:25] [D]Guiseppe> he has it so only spy or bettter
[20:25] [AvA]Mix_J> i wont lose against a fake account
[20:26] [AvA]Mix_J> ure bardhi!
[20:26] [GoD]Panda_bear> how you know lol
[20:26] [AvA]Mix_J> idk :kekyou:
[20:27] [GoD]Panda_bear> i aint allying the troll
[20:27] [GoD]Panda_bear> just saying
[20:27] [GoD]Panda_bear> i can leave
[20:27] [AvA]Mix_J> i tAKE HIM
[20:27] [AvA]Mix_J> but he may make me lose
[20:27] [AvA]Mix_J> in purpose
[20:27] [GoD]Panda_bear> nah wont play that
[20:27] [AvA]Mix_J> :(
[20:28] [AvA]Mix_J> gn all
[20:28] [GoD]Panda_bear> gn mix
[20:28] [AvA]Mix_J> ty b
[20:28] [AvA]Mix_J out
[20:28] nah> ??
[20:28] nah> What happened
[20:28] nah> I went afk for 30 seconds and I got kiceked?
[20:29] [GoD]Panda_bear> lol
[20:30] Nici> nah
[20:35] merciless1> getting rekt by hw poopa fkin suks :kek:
[20:40] O-Ren_TSI in
[20:40] nah> so does anybody plays here?
[20:41] O-Ren_TSI out
[20:41] nah> or is this app just for show?
[20:43] Nici> dating purposes
[20:44] [D]Nightfury out
[20:46] [SW]Zgjims in
[20:46] [SW]Zgjims out
[20:46] merciless1> lol.
[20:46] merciless1> yeah best e-girls u'll ever find
[20:50] nah> so nobody here?
[20:52] Sponge out
[20:53] Nici> wanna 1v1 then ?
[20:54] [SW]BadNewsEagles in
[20:55] Dougs out
[20:58] Mammy_Tas> gnight all :)
[20:58] Mammy_Tas out
[21:00] merciless1 out
[21:02] nah> who?
[21:02] nah> gn
[21:03] nah> Do not know who you asked
[21:04] Saito_Vdm> siempre seremos complices
[21:04] DisBiscuit in
[21:04] [Rw]FreeMatt> saito
[21:04] [D]Guiseppe> he had such a huge pop
[21:04] [Rw]FreeMatt> saitio did u quit the moment ur base got eqed for first time?
[21:04] [D]Guiseppe> because he made 5 troops all game
[21:06] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> gg, thanks for the carry team
[21:06] [Rw]FreeMatt> 214 pop for satio bvs 110 pop for other team
[21:06] [Rw]FreeMatt> and he did nothign withit
[21:06] [D]Guiseppe> I was defending mid all alone
[21:06] [D]Guiseppe> so many troops i had such shit mana
[21:06] [Rw]FreeMatt> u shoulda seen him at back doing nothing
[21:07] [D]Guiseppe> then i had to send them to defend front of your base too
[21:07] Saito_Vdm> hi
[21:07] [D]Guiseppe> well its not his fault
[21:07] [D]Guiseppe> he is a spy
[21:07] [Rw]FreeMatt> saitio 214 pop vs 110 pop for enemy and u didt ntohing?
[21:07] [D]Guiseppe> but you need troops saito
[21:07] [Rw]FreeMatt> yea but double thier pop
[21:07] Saito_Vdm> i dont have the socialinteligence to post rage sorry
[21:07] [Rw]FreeMatt> rage? its math
[21:07] [GoD]Panda_bear> lool
[21:07] [Rw]FreeMatt> its not even math its number comparison
[21:08] [Rw]FreeMatt> u shoudla saw teh land he made for me
[21:08] [Rw]FreeMatt> 1 sideways lb
[21:08] [Rw]FreeMatt> lol
[21:08] [GoD]FreeInca in
[21:08] [D]Guiseppe> he tried, oh well
[21:08] [D]Guiseppe> knew from start we'd get spanked
[21:08] [GoD]FreeInca> negro
[21:08] [D]Guiseppe> I could do nothing meaningful to Kpa either
[21:08] [GoD]Panda_bear> it showed you were winning
[21:08] [GoD]Panda_bear> for a long time
[21:09] martian> gay love for putin
[21:09] Saito_Vdm> why on earth you set me on back base, to beguin with, it was kopa back base vs me
[21:09] [D]Guiseppe> well hw bdd kpa
[21:09] MrSmokin_hottie26> node n toruk u both did embarrassingly bad
[21:09] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Bianca, did you spectate that game?
[21:09] [D]Guiseppe> no kpa was front saito
[21:09] MrSmokin_hottie26> especially u node
[21:09] [GoD]Panda_bear> nope lol
[21:09] [D]Guiseppe> kpa was ping
[21:09] [D]Guiseppe> pink
[21:09] [GoD]Panda_bear> only checked stats
[21:09] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> ah, okay
[21:09] nah> Oh
[21:09] MrSmokin_hottie26> u fellll off way too far
[21:09] nah> So this APp is for chatting
[21:09] [GoD]Panda_bear> yes
[21:09] Saito_Vdm> oh it felt like it was back :kappapride:
[21:09] nah> Ok I tought it was for Multiplayer gaming
[21:09] MrSmokin_hottie26> u lose an arm or an eye? tf happend to u
[21:09] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Koopa> node n toruk u both did embarrassingly bad <--- well I got tripled at the start, so there's no recovering from that, so....
[21:09] MrSmokin_hottie26> let saito double ur pop
[21:10] MrSmokin_hottie26> n ur boak
[21:10] [D]Guiseppe> saito pop only so high
[21:10] [D]Guiseppe> because he lost none from troops lol
[21:10] MrSmokin_hottie26> ye apparently node suks big time
[21:10] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> That's why hw put me opposite him, so he could rape me :kekw:
[21:10] martian> GAY LOVE FOR ALL!!!
[21:10] MrSmokin_hottie26> start calling u noodle
[21:10] [GoD]Panda_bear> yes ossur
[21:10] MrSmokin_hottie26> cus ur no node anymore
[21:10] Saito_Vdm> i thiink u guys stop beleivig in yourself for a bit, toruk u need more confidence
[21:10] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Ossur, for being gay, I'm surprised you don't get bd'd more often ;)
[21:11] [Rw]FreeMatt> saitio u are my new doo doo
[21:11] martian> ;(
[21:11] [Rw]FreeMatt> i never seen someoen with over 200 pop vs people with half pop do less
[21:11] Saito_Vdm> sumetimes good sumtimes is shit, as gatuso said
[21:11] DisBiscuit out
[21:11] [Rw]FreeMatt> always bad
[21:11] [Rw]FreeMatt> ur back base u need to amke ur teamamtes land
[21:12] Saito_Vdm> i du well when vs you pal
[21:12] [Rw]FreeMatt> u need to ahve more than 2 trianing huts
[21:12] Saito_Vdm> u can history check
[21:12] Nici out
[21:12] [Rw]FreeMatt> and u need to bd when othe rbds are stale
[21:12] Saito_Vdm> is a fact, its like you are my type
[21:12] [Rw]FreeMatt> dafuk u on nublet
[21:12] [Rw]FreeMatt> 214 pop
[21:12] [Rw]FreeMatt> vs 3 bases that have been attacked at 100 pop
[21:12] [Rw]FreeMatt> u enver got in 1
[21:13] [Rw]FreeMatt> what u need tripple thier pop to do somethign
[21:13] [Rw]FreeMatt> did u need 300 pop?
[21:13] Abby19954025 out
[21:13] Saito_Vdm> i cast a nice erode i think as a wink to good old :bian:
[21:13] [Rw]FreeMatt> to have impact?
[21:13] [Rw]FreeMatt> 400 pop?
[21:13] [GoD]Panda_bear> lmao saito
[21:13] nah> Yap, Shamans need to go and lets do Braves fights :D
[21:13] chen120911 out
[21:13] Saito_Vdm> at kopas base
[21:14] nah> You know what
[21:14] [D]Guiseppe> saito did fine for his rank
[21:14] nah> YOU KNOW WHAT!
[21:14] [D]Guiseppe> we cant even get mad at him
[21:14] [Rw]FreeMatt> saito did awful
[21:14] nah> YOU STUPID IDIOT
[21:14] nah> There
[21:14] nah> :)
[21:14] [GoD]Panda_bear> :o
[21:14] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> wow, nah ragin
[21:14] Saito_Vdm> nah
[21:14] [D]Guiseppe> He's a spy, we cant expect pro play though
[21:14] [Rw]FreeMatt> its not pro play
[21:14] Saito_Vdm> what happen pal?
[21:14] [D]Guiseppe> is that bardhi
[21:14] [Rw]FreeMatt> he had twice the poop of any enemy
[21:14] [D]Guiseppe> or his brother lol
[21:14] [Rw]FreeMatt> pop
[21:14] [D]Guiseppe> xD
[21:14] Saito_Vdm> join here
[21:15] [GoD]Panda_bear> mix said so earlier lol
[21:15] Saito_Vdm> who is nah?
[21:15] [GoD]Panda_bear> could be xd
[21:15] Saito_Vdm> new player?
[21:15] nah> HOW TF AM I GONNA LEARN TO PLAy if I get kicked by same player every single time
[21:15] Saito_Vdm> how old are you?
[21:15] nah> I am too old
[21:15] nah> For FFS
[21:15] Saito_Vdm> join
[21:15] nah> my wrists are rusty of oldernes
[21:15] [GoD]Panda_bear> join saito
[21:15] [D]Guiseppe> lol
[21:15] [GoD]Panda_bear> he wont kick
[21:16] [GoD]Panda_bear> and nah
[21:16] [GoD]Panda_bear> nici asked yo uto 1v1
[21:16] [GoD]Panda_bear> you could have gotten game
[21:16] nah out
[21:16] Saito_Vdm> freematt do i owe you points or sumthing?
[21:16] [GoD]Panda_bear> lol
[21:16] Saito_Vdm> why you wanna bangme single played?
[21:16] nah in
[21:16] Nici in
[21:17] nah out
[21:17] nah in
[21:19] [D]Guiseppe> nah im glad you spoke up to hw
[21:19] [D]Guiseppe> he's a meanie isnt he
[21:20] christo0972 in
[21:22] bignoobmanfr in
[21:22] bockwurstlaune in
[21:22] bockwurstlaune out
[21:24] Saito_Vdm> sera un buen momento
[21:24] [Rw]FreeMatt> saitio u quit too early
[21:24] Saito_Vdm> ohh ohh
[21:24] [Rw]FreeMatt> i didnt get poitns for raping u
[21:24] Saito_Vdm> hay una grieta en mi corazon
[21:24] Saito_Vdm> un planeta con desilucion
[21:25] [Rw]FreeMatt> someone tell this spanish peice of fuck he owes me points
[21:25] Saito_Vdm> damm girl
[21:25] [Rw]FreeMatt> for sucking so much cock so fast
[21:25] Saito_Vdm> i did precoz it a bit
[21:25] [Rw]FreeMatt> wow owened in 6 mins
[21:25] [Rw]FreeMatt> uve been palyign for 18 years?!?!?!
[21:25] Saito_Vdm> nex time do a bit more of foreplay
[21:25] [Rw]FreeMatt> wtf was thattttt
[21:26] [Rw]FreeMatt> how can u be that bad after 18 years
[21:27] Saito_Vdm> u know is weird, i do log in the platform when i was young back in 2005 or 2006 idn
[21:27] [Rw]FreeMatt> and ur still quitting games to avoid point loss?
[21:27] Saito_Vdm> but i never really played a ot
[21:27] [Rw]FreeMatt> trash can
[21:27] Saito_Vdm> i didnt quit for points i quited cuz i forgot about points cuz i never cared
[21:28] doom9718 in
[21:28] [Rw]FreeMatt> how is doom better than u
[21:28] [Rw]FreeMatt> in 3 years
[21:28] doom9718> what?
[21:28] martian> hey christo
[21:28] martian> i was too late
[21:28] [Rw]FreeMatt> and uve been here for 18 years
[21:28] Saito_Vdm> doom is a natural talent
[21:28] [Rw]FreeMatt> martian
[21:28] [Rw]FreeMatt> there u go bud
[21:29] [Rw]FreeMatt> saitio does that mean ur naturally shit?
[21:29] christo0972> hi Ossur:)
[21:29] doom9718 out
[21:29] doom9718 in
[21:29] Saito_Vdm> maybe
[21:29] [Rw]FreeMatt> speaking of, im gunan go drop a massive saitio
[21:29] [Rw]FreeMatt> brb 1 min
[21:29] [Rw]FreeMatt> toliet
[21:29] christo0972> wow doom war cg !!
[21:29] christo0972> so fast
[21:29] doom9718> lol
[21:29] [SW]BadNewsEagles out
[21:30] ExLordDeath out
[21:31] bignoobmanfr> a hut full of warriors and spies
[21:31] bignoobmanfr> HSw dream
[21:31] bignoobmanfr> Hws
[21:31] doom9718> omg
[21:34] doom9718> what means cg?
[21:35] Nici out
[21:35] christo0972> congratulations
[21:35] doom9718> oh ty christo
[21:35] doom9718> +1
[21:36] doom9718> lebannen be host and play 4 wars
[21:36] [Rw]FreeMatt> kk
[21:36] doom9718> freematt back
[21:36] doom9718> join us
[21:36] christo0972> +3 fast game
[21:36] [Rw]FreeMatt> sorry was taking amssive saito
[21:36] doom9718> +2
[21:36] doom9718> christo and lebannen join us
[21:37] christo0972> nah i think i ll close mm
[21:37] doom9718> noooooooooooooooooo
[21:37] doom9718> lets play
[21:37] christo0972> play what
[21:37] christo0972> join
[21:37] christo0972> +2
[21:37] doom9718 out
[21:37] christo0972> +1
[21:38] doom9718 in
[21:38] doom9718> lol
[21:38] doom9718> no ping with christo
[21:38] christo0972> [Rw]FreeMatt what he is doing ? lmaooooo
[21:38] doom9718> holy shit
[21:39] doom9718> martian let freemat host
[21:39] doom9718> or lebannen
[21:39] doom9718> reloggin
[21:39] doom9718 out
[21:40] doom9718 in
[21:40] martian> no walls
[21:40] [Rw]FreeMatt> [Rw]FreeMatt + martian + doom9718 vs. lebannen + christo0972 + Saito_Vdm
[21:41] christo0972> wow gonna be hard ^^ nice
[21:41] martian> im allready over 1050 elo in chess.com
[21:41] christo0972> no pp
[21:41] doom9718> nobody care martian
[21:41] christo0972> plz
[21:41] cccp in
[21:41] [GoD]Panda_bear> gg
[21:41] [GoD]Panda_bear> lmao k now i know
[21:41] [GoD]Panda_bear> how he plays
[21:42] [Rw]FreeMatt> sure cccp i got u bud
[21:42] [D]Guiseppe> I dont think he a pro
[21:42] MrSmokin_hottie26> kik noobs
[21:42] nah> https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1709579094 - thits was first play after several years
[21:42] martian> i dont play 4vs4 and ally quitts all tha tshit
[21:42] nah> if you meant Campaign as single player ?
[21:42] [GoD]Panda_bear> lol guy instantly got a vid
[21:42] nah> Well you said to me go complete Single player
[21:42] nah> that was easy
[21:42] [GoD]Panda_bear> yes
[21:42] [GoD]Panda_bear> plz do
[21:42] [GoD]Panda_bear> ty
[21:42] christo0972> all time 1 hour to do a game
[21:43] nah> 2h I think was speed rush
[21:43] [D]Guiseppe> maybe is legit a new person :monkahmm:
[21:43] christo0972> that why i play just 2V2
[21:43] doom9718> we play or not?
[21:43] christo0972> +1 mana battle
[21:43] doom9718> full warrior
[21:43] [GoD]Panda_bear> not a single destructive spell
[21:43] [GoD]Panda_bear> that game
[21:44] [D]Guiseppe> nah try to play with newer players
[21:44] [D]Guiseppe> to get practice
[21:44] [GoD]Panda_bear> yep
[21:44] [D]Guiseppe> even 1v1
[21:44] nah> WHEN THERE IS NOONE
[21:44] nah> THAT IS WHAT I WANT FFS
[21:44] [D]Guiseppe> well like spy rank
[21:44] [GoD]Panda_bear> lol
[21:44] christo0972> relog doom
[21:44] nah> I need few games in a row
[21:44] [D]Guiseppe> or warrior rank
[21:44] doom9718 out
[21:44] [D]Guiseppe> you will lose at first over and over
[21:44] martian> nah are you new?
[21:44] [D]Guiseppe> but youll learn
[21:44] doom9718 in
[21:44] nah> 2-3 games I just warm up and ppl go away
[21:44] christo0972> wait for ping
[21:44] martian> nah, you should go play single player
[21:44] [D]Guiseppe> lol
[21:44] [GoD]Panda_bear> ^^
[21:44] martian> and learn how to build fast
[21:45] christo0972> sorry doom
[21:45] doom9718> no ping with christo
[21:45] nah> Single Player is easy
[21:45] [D]Guiseppe> well he did build fast to be fair
[21:45] [D]Guiseppe> its his shaman and trooping
[21:45] [D]Guiseppe> he needs practice with
[21:45] nah> I GOT MAD why I can not kill Shamans
[21:45] christo0972> +1
[21:45] [GoD]Panda_bear> and wood management
[21:45] nah> while my always go into water
[21:45] [D]Guiseppe> yea
[21:45] martian> nah
[21:45] [D]Guiseppe> it takes practice nah
[21:45] nah> AND WHY TF my BRAVES were going to whole other ILAND
[21:45] nah> while they had 1000 wood next tot hem
[21:45] [GoD]Panda_bear> cuz you killed your wood
[21:45] nah> ISLAND *
[21:45] nah> I HAD WOOD for ages
[21:45] [GoD]Panda_bear> stop using caps
[21:45] [GoD]Panda_bear> its annoying
[21:46] nah> They were avoding two trees
[21:46] nah> to go for my ally
[21:46] martian> Nah
[21:46] doom9718> he screaming
[21:46] martian> play against me
[21:46] martian> i will 1v1 you
[21:46] [Rw]FreeMatt> 2 more u nublets
[21:46] [GoD]Panda_bear> do that
[21:46] nah> ok lets go
[21:46] [D]Guiseppe> yes
[21:46] [GoD]Panda_bear> and play bigbang
[21:46] [Rw]FreeMatt> cccp get ping
[21:46] [D]Guiseppe> ossur good teacher
[21:46] [GoD]Panda_bear> he loves to noob bash
[21:46] [GoD]Panda_bear> jammy*
[21:46] [D]Guiseppe> lol
[21:46] doom9718> lol
[21:46] doom9718> +2
[21:46] martian> christo i was talking about Nah
[21:46] nah> I had a friend who loved noob bash into StarCraft 2
[21:46] nah> and when I finally begun to beat him
[21:46] martian> i cant beat you in 1v1
[21:46] nah> he blocked me
[21:46] nah> :)
[21:46] cccp in
[21:46] doom9718> omg
[21:46] christo0972> lol ok sry
[21:47] [GoD]FreeInca> perras
[21:47] [GoD]FreeInca> 1
[21:47] doom9718> +2
[21:47] [GoD]FreeInca out
[21:47] nah> something simple
[21:47] [GoD]Panda_bear> sp level 1
[21:47] nah> would be prefered
[21:47] [Rw]FreeMatt> [Rw]FreeMatt + doom9718 + lebannen vs. MrSmokin_hottie26 + christo0972 + Saito_Vdm
[21:47] martian> ;)
[21:47] martian> gona teach im
[21:47] martian> :d
[21:47] martian> :D
[21:47] [GoD]Panda_bear> nice ossur
[21:47] [GoD]Panda_bear> :)
[21:47] doom9718> martian doing something good, im surprise
[21:48] Sponge in
[21:48] doom9718> gogogogog
[21:48] [Rw]FreeMatt> spong want to join?>?
[21:48] cccp out
[21:48] christo0972> pp is for pro
[21:48] Sponge> yes
[21:48] Sponge> =]
[21:48] christo0972> 3 war here
[21:48] doom9718> +1
[21:48] christo0972> and a spy
[21:49] christo0972> gn
[21:49] doom9718> gn
[21:49] christo0972> guy open close open close hut
[21:49] christo0972> and reopen
[21:49] [GoD]Panda_bear> lol
[21:49] christo0972 out
[21:49] doom9718> +1
[21:49] doom9718> :+1:
[21:49] [Rw]FreeMatt> im very inclusive
[21:52] Sponge> yeee
[21:52] [D]Guiseppe> Nope
[21:52] Sponge> josef
[21:52] Sponge> wut why
[21:52] [D]Guiseppe> not being a big on pp
[21:52] [D]Guiseppe> vs you threee
[21:52] [D]Guiseppe> smd
[21:52] [GoD]Panda_bear> oh he is doing pp nice
[21:52] bignoobmanfr out
[21:52] [GoD]Panda_bear> for a change
[21:52] [D]Guiseppe> you go bian
[21:52] [D]Guiseppe> ill watch
[21:53] [GoD]Panda_bear> lmao no
[21:53] Sponge> come bian
[21:53] [GoD]Panda_bear> guy will rig teams
[21:53] [D]Guiseppe> lol
[21:53] [GoD]Panda_bear> ill end up
[21:53] [GoD]Panda_bear> as small base
[21:53] [GoD]Panda_bear> with saito as my big
[21:53] [D]Guiseppe> med can host
[21:53] [GoD]Panda_bear> no fucking thanks
[21:53] MrSmokin_hottie26> lmaooo
[21:53] MrSmokin_hottie26> dis tru hw
[21:53] MrSmokin_hottie26> u riggin games now? :eyes:
[21:53] Sponge> or joseph if you ally either hw or koopa then you can face me
[21:53] [Rw]FreeMatt> such a winey fuckin cunt
[21:53] MrSmokin_hottie26> :topkek:
[21:53] [GoD]Panda_bear> not playing his rigged shit
[21:53] [GoD]Panda_bear> can tell you that
[21:53] Sponge> hw man why you cause so much drama
[21:53] Sponge> just wanna play games
[21:53] [Rw]FreeMatt> sponge
[21:53] [Rw]FreeMatt> me hsotinga game
[21:54] [Rw]FreeMatt> and launching was not drama
[21:54] Sponge> loool
[21:54] [GoD]Panda_bear> guy puts lowest rank in hut as big base on walls
[21:54] [GoD]Panda_bear> sayss it all
[21:54] Sponge> panda_bear
[21:54] Sponge> come and playyyy
[21:54] [GoD]Panda_bear> ye ill play
[21:54] [GoD]Panda_bear> but smth else
[21:54] [Rw]FreeMatt> if i put him as front this cunt woudla compalied i put a bad player up front
[21:54] [Rw]FreeMatt> u cant please this hoe
[21:54] Sponge> ok hw choose another
[21:54] Sponge> mao
[21:54] [GoD]Panda_bear> i told you
[21:54] [GoD]Panda_bear> toput him
[21:54] MrSmokin_hottie26> bianka joins if she allies me
[21:54] MrSmokin_hottie26> :eyes:
[21:54] [GoD]Panda_bear> backest base
[21:54] [Rw]FreeMatt> its why shes got 8 kids 10baby daddies and no husband
[21:54] [GoD]Panda_bear> but guy wont listen
[21:54] [GoD]Panda_bear> there we go again
[21:54] [GoD]Panda_bear> lmao
[21:55] [Rw]FreeMatt> no ones gunan lsitne to ur stank pussy
[21:55] [GoD]Panda_bear> the 2 hour personal trash talk
[21:55] [GoD]Panda_bear> inicoming
[21:55] Sponge> ^ its like shogun with me lol
[21:55] MrSmokin_hottie26> :kek:
[21:55] [GoD]Panda_bear> lmao ye med
[21:55] MrSmokin_hottie26> doom take spot
[21:55] doom9718> im watching my anime serie now, cant play
[21:55] Sponge> kpa
[21:55] Sponge> bianca
[21:55] Sponge> 2v2?
[21:56] Sponge> :kekw:
[21:56] [GoD]Panda_bear> lmao
[21:56] Sponge> go onnn
[21:56] [Rw]FreeMatt> im curious if u know the abby daddie for our children
[21:56] [GoD]Panda_bear> should i time it?
[21:56] [GoD]Panda_bear> ok he started at 11 pm
[21:56] [GoD]Panda_bear> lets see how long it lasts this time
[21:56] Sponge> lets go biancaaaa
[21:56] Sponge> you can ally koops
[21:57] [GoD]Panda_bear> nah not giving hw a game
[21:57] [GoD]Panda_bear> not today ;)
[21:57] Sponge> yeah but youll beat us
[21:57] [Rw]FreeMatt> 8 kids how big is the pussy
[21:57] Sponge> easy points here
[21:57] [GoD]Panda_bear> gotta put some oil into the fire
[21:57] [GoD]Panda_bear> so he keeps gonig
[21:57] [D]Guiseppe> hw shut up
[21:57] [GoD]Panda_bear> nah he wont
[21:57] [Rw]FreeMatt> legend has it you can drive a mac truck right thru her and not even touch teh side walls
[21:57] [GoD]Panda_bear> 2 hours at least
[21:57] [GoD]Panda_bear> you weill read this now
[21:57] [GoD]Panda_bear> :kekw:
[21:58] [GoD]Panda_bear> hw that doesnt change the fact
[21:58] [GoD]Panda_bear> you rigged the game
[21:58] [GoD]Panda_bear> now keep going
[21:58] [Rw]FreeMatt> sponge
[21:58] [Rw]FreeMatt> joinup
[21:58] [D]Guiseppe> doom isnt playin
[21:58] [D]Guiseppe> he just said
[21:58] [D]Guiseppe> you tards
[21:58] [GoD]Panda_bear> oh ye lol
[21:59] Sponge> FUCK
[21:59] doom9718> you no listen?
[21:59] Sponge> josef would you grace us with your presence
[21:59] [GoD]Panda_bear> ye hw doesnt listen
[21:59] doom9718> or read in this case?
[21:59] [GoD]Panda_bear> wahts new
[21:59] [D]Guiseppe> if hw apologizes to bian
[21:59] [GoD]Panda_bear> LOL
[21:59] [D]Guiseppe> ill join :kekw:
[21:59] Sponge> gg then
[21:59] [GoD]Panda_bear> he wont ever
[21:59] [GoD]Panda_bear> :topkek:
[21:59] doom9718> lol
[21:59] [Rw]FreeMatt> bianca im sorry uve fucked so many men
[21:59] [GoD]Panda_bear> see lmfao
[21:59] Sponge> I am going offline in 6 minutes.
[21:59] [AsG]Manl1 in
[21:59] [D]Guiseppe> manu will join
[21:59] [Rw]FreeMatt> manu joinup
[21:59] [GoD]Panda_bear> your hero is here
[22:00] [D]Guiseppe> ill watch
[22:00] [GoD]Panda_bear> saving the day
[22:00] Sponge> well that was good timing
[22:00] [GoD]Panda_bear> lol
[22:00] [Rw]FreeMatt> stream this game so my biggest fan can watch
[22:00] [AsG]Manl1> :monkastab:
[22:00] [AsG]Manl1> finishing eating
[22:00] [Rw]FreeMatt> instead of tkaing care of those babies
[22:00] [D]Guiseppe> what are you eating
[22:00] Sponge> leb
[22:00] [D]Guiseppe> :fap:
[22:00] [GoD]Panda_bear> xd
[22:00] [D]Guiseppe> eggplant parm?
[22:00] [Rw]FreeMatt> biancas roast beef
[22:00] [AsG]Manl1> just my daily dose of protein
[22:00] [AsG]Manl1> :'D
[22:00] Sponge> who was the last person to munch on a penis
[22:01] barracuda11 in
[22:01] [Rw]FreeMatt> nice
[22:01] [Rw]FreeMatt> we got game
[22:01] [Rw]FreeMatt> gogogogogo
[22:02] [Rw]FreeMatt> stream teh gmae so ol meat flaps can watch
[22:02] [GoD]Panda_bear> i wonder if he will keep going
[22:02] [GoD]Panda_bear> after game
[22:03] barracuda11 out
[22:03] [GoD]Panda_bear> hw you rig games
[22:03] [GoD]Panda_bear> facts
[22:03] doom9718> yeah
[22:04] [Rw]FreeMatt> i heard u rigged the childcare ssytem
[22:04] doom9718> lol
[22:04] [GoD]Panda_bear> keep rigging games
[22:04] [GoD]Panda_bear> maybe then you get shaman rank
[22:05] [GoD]Panda_bear> next time make nah big base on walls
[22:06] [Rw]FreeMatt> uy know i jsut alleid saitio as big base on walls
[22:06] [Rw]FreeMatt> u moron
[22:06] [GoD]Panda_bear> oh ye vs toruk and lebannen
[22:06] Sponge> that was too painful to watch
[22:06] [GoD]Panda_bear> big hw
[22:06] [GoD]Panda_bear> so pro
[22:06] MrSmokin_hottie26> hw look me in the eyes tho
[22:06] MrSmokin_hottie26> :eyes:
[22:06] MrSmokin_hottie26> u gotta place folks in their spots
[22:07] MrSmokin_hottie26> so it plays out fairly
[22:07] [Rw]FreeMatt> cccp was liek communicating with somene def blind and full on slowtard
[22:07] Sponge> manu join
[22:07] [D]Guiseppe> he doesnt speak english you douche
[22:07] [Rw]Raver out
[22:07] [GoD]Panda_bear> ^^
[22:07] [D]Guiseppe> he uses translator
[22:07] MrSmokin_hottie26> thats a must if u want folks to join ur host :pepelove:
[22:07] MrSmokin_hottie26> :lmao:
[22:07] [Rw]FreeMatt> koopa workign on his pussy points wiht bianca
[22:08] MrSmokin_hottie26> :nice:
[22:08] [GoD]Panda_bear> :ohyes:
[22:08] [GoD]Panda_bear> btw nyc is a nice city
[22:08] [GoD]Panda_bear> hw
[22:08] [Rw]FreeMatt> ud fit right in with all teh trash illegals
[22:08] [GoD]Panda_bear> did enjoy it there
[22:08] [Rw]FreeMatt> takign advatage of social systems
[22:08] [GoD]Panda_bear> even more cuz we didnt meet
[22:08] [GoD]Panda_bear> was the best part of it
[22:08] [GoD]Panda_bear> you ignoring kooopas pm
[22:08] [GoD]Panda_bear> lmfao
[22:09] [Rw]FreeMatt> what about ur meat?
[22:09] MrSmokin_hottie26> not as many illegals as i thought tho :monkahmm:
[22:09] MrSmokin_hottie26> more chinamen actually
[22:09] [GoD]Panda_bear> yep wasnt as bad as expected
[22:09] [D]Guiseppe> well we were in chinatown kpa :monkahmm:
[22:09] [GoD]Panda_bear> xd
[22:10] [Rw]FreeMatt> bianca if we met in nyc ud be human trafficed imemdatly, but no one would buy u
[22:10] MrSmokin_hottie26> even so was like 30% china folks n 60% white pasty fhkers
[22:10] [GoD]Panda_bear> the amount of times you begged me
[22:10] [GoD]Panda_bear> to meet
[22:10] Sponge> map
[22:10] [GoD]Panda_bear> is ridiculous
[22:10] [GoD]Panda_bear> kk i go play smth else now
[22:10] [Rw]FreeMatt> yes im still begging
[22:10] MrSmokin_hottie26> :monkaswide:
[22:10] [GoD]Panda_bear> enjoy the shittalk hw
[22:10] MrSmokin_hottie26> :widemonkas:
[22:10] [GoD]Panda_bear> cya :pepelove:
[22:10] [D]Guiseppe> bye bian
[22:10] [Rw]FreeMatt> please bianca come with bella on cruise
[22:10] doom9718 out
[22:10] MrSmokin_hottie26> :kekw:
[22:11] [Rw]FreeMatt> bianca and I will be docking before u know it
[22:11] [GoD]Panda_bear> oh and
[22:11] [GoD]Panda_bear> koopa sucks
[22:11] [D]Guiseppe> kpa want my spot
[22:11] [D]Guiseppe> id rather watch
[22:11] Sponge> he aint playing
[22:11] MrSmokin_hottie26> im dunzo for today
[22:11] MrSmokin_hottie26> looks like a fair game yall got tho
[22:11] [D]Guiseppe> sec
[22:11] [GoD]Panda_bear> ye and hw not host
[22:11] MrSmokin_hottie26> well except for w hoever gots to ally manl1
[22:11] [GoD]Panda_bear> so no rigging
[22:11] [GoD]Panda_bear> :peped:
[22:12] MrSmokin_hottie26> hope yall 5 win except manl1
[22:12] MrSmokin_hottie26> brb
[22:12] [D]Guiseppe out
[22:12] [D]Guiseppe in
[22:12] [D]Guiseppe> no
[22:12] [D]Guiseppe> make saito and ccp small
[22:12] Sponge> is that right
[22:12] [Rw]FreeMatt> bianca has 11 babby daddies wiht 6 children
[22:13] [GoD]Panda_bear> thank god you got host
[22:13] [D]Guiseppe> yes
[22:13] [GoD]Panda_bear> who listens
[22:13] [D]Guiseppe> now good
[22:13] Sponge> yeah thats right
[22:13] [GoD]Panda_bear> if hw was host
[22:13] [GoD]Panda_bear> you would be doomed
[22:13] [GoD]Panda_bear> now he is using caps
[22:13] [GoD]Panda_bear> :nice:
[22:14] [GoD]Panda_bear> seems my plan worked
[22:14] [GoD]Panda_bear> hw go rig a game
[22:14] martian> damnit
[22:14] martian> gg
[22:14] nah> he let me win .-.
[22:14] martian> nah is a cheater no way you could win me
[22:14] nah> Missing spells is my worst enemy
[22:15] martian> its called lag
[22:15] martian> its because you got too high ping
[22:16] nah> I have very bad aim
[22:16] nah> I can not even move my mouse straight from point A to point B without going huge curve
[22:17] martian> be patient, every pop player has started with a bad aim
[22:17] martian> its because of lack of experience
[22:17] nah> I am bad with aim in every single RTS
[22:17] nah> its just me and my thing
[22:17] martian> then just s click
[22:17] martian> aim directly at shaman
[22:17] nah> sometimes I have perfect hits, then something clicks in my brain and I forget it then need to re-learn it
[22:17] nah> I TOLD YOU TEHRE WERE shortcuts to things
[22:18] nah> sry for caps
[22:18] nah> I was using them on Single Player
[22:18] nah> like to swtich form spells to buildings
[22:18] nah> or to switch your wrold view army
[22:19] nah> or to call your army to protect shaman with ease ( or I do not remeber that that was a thing )
[22:22] [AvA]Mibbel in
[22:24] nah> one more ?
[22:25] nah> I think I can have it now or at least to put up a fight?
[22:28] doom9718 in
[22:33] [SW]BadNewsEagles in
[22:37] Saito_Vdm> i dont like it
[22:37] Saito_Vdm> when opponent team dont even try
[22:37] Sponge> looooool
[22:38] [D]Guiseppe> same saito
[22:38] Sponge> so good
[22:38] [D]Guiseppe> sure felt like that
[22:38] Sponge> the trash talk is real
[22:38] [D]Guiseppe> my team spectating
[22:38] [Rw]FreeMatt> never got middle besides teh first seocnd i cast lb
[22:39] Sponge> nearly on 400 pts 0.0
[22:39] [D]Guiseppe> yes because no troops
[22:39] [D]Guiseppe> i sent many
[22:39] [D]Guiseppe> you guys 0
[22:39] [D]Guiseppe> how we gonna hold it
[22:39] [D]Guiseppe> then let me get tripled
[22:39] [AsG]Manl1> i had a lolt of fun that game
[22:39] [AsG]Manl1> <3
[22:39] [D]Guiseppe> while you puill off the worst bd ever
[22:39] doom9718> lol
[22:40] [AsG]Manl1> i loved my warriors
[22:40] [AsG]Manl1> :'D
[22:40] [D]Guiseppe> Im better than you manu
[22:40] [D]Guiseppe> with comparable allies
[22:40] [D]Guiseppe> ;)
[22:40] [AsG]Manl1> strong words here
[22:42] doom9718> :surprise:
[22:42] [SW]BadNewsEagles out
[22:42] Saito_Vdm> ahí viene la perra que me iba mordiendo
[22:43] doom9718> como?
[22:43] Saito_Vdm> perrita valiente, que mordio a su dueño
[22:43] doom9718> se le salio el poeta
[22:43] [D]Guiseppe> can host if you guys want to 1v1
[22:43] Saito_Vdm> ella se hunta manteca pa que los perros la laman
[22:44] Sponge out
[22:44] doom9718> me and saito?
[22:44] [D]Guiseppe> si
[22:44] doom9718> saito wanna 1v1?
[22:44] Saito_Vdm> una perra valiente que era tan brava, el dueño dandole palo y la perra dandole diente
[22:45] doom9718> lol
[22:45] doom9718> tremenda rima saito
[22:45] doom9718> ta bueno eso
[22:45] Saito_Vdm> con tanta democracia que yo te enamoraba, olle mi vida y no lo consegui
[22:45] doom9718> lol
[22:46] Saito_Vdm> morenita cariñosa, hace mucho tiempo que estoy enamorado
[22:46] doom9718> jozef, saito is a poet
[22:46] Saito_Vdm> olle mi vida y todavia te veo dudosa
[22:46] doom9718> cpp and lebannen join us
[22:46] doom9718> 2v2
[22:47] bignoobmanfr in
[22:47] Saito_Vdm> sabiendo que soy el hobre, ay el hombre que te puede hacer dichosa
[22:47] doom9718> guiño guiño
[22:47] [D]Guiseppe> ok that was a half truth, well played manu
[22:48] [D]Guiseppe> we are equal in skill
[22:49] doom9718> +1
[22:50] bignoobmanfr> map?
[22:50] lebannen out
[22:50] bignoobmanfr> bignoobmanfr + Saito_Vdm vs. lebannen + doom9718
[22:50] doom9718> lebannen out
[22:51] [GoD]FreeInca in
[22:51] Saito_Vdm> solo paso chequeando para ver si ya murió, porque a esa viuda rica la voy a enamora yo
[22:51] nah> do you have friendly match
[22:51] nah> if yes I can leave
[22:51] Saito_Vdm> join nah
[22:51] Saito_Vdm> here
[22:51] doom9718> lol
[22:51] doom9718> +2
[22:52] [GoD]FreeInca> calla saito
[22:52] bignoobmanfr> +1
[22:52] [GoD]FreeInca> deja de sufrir malpario
[22:52] Saito_Vdm> deja chico
[22:52] doom9718> +1
[22:52] doom9718> lol
[22:52] doom9718> join inca
[22:53] [GoD]FreeInca> esta restringido
[22:53] doom9718> bignoob you no let fw rank can join
[22:53] doom9718> open slot
[22:54] bignoobmanfr> I want to play fair teams
[22:54] doom9718> so we need other spy rank to be fair
[22:55] bignoobmanfr> cccp is warrior
[22:55] bignoobmanfr> just havent played in weeks
[22:55] doom9718> ok
[22:55] doom9718> my bad
[22:55] doom9718> martian or manl1 can join us
[22:55] [D]Guiseppe> a game is better than no game
[22:56] bignoobmanfr> not really
[22:56] doom9718> you are poet now jozef
[22:56] doom9718> lol
[22:56] bignoobmanfr> getting noob bashed is never fun
[22:56] [D]Guiseppe> That wouldnt be noob bashed lol
[22:56] doom9718> im noob
[22:56] [D]Guiseppe> would be semi decent game with teams not in your favor sure
[22:56] doom9718> :'(
[22:56] [D]Guiseppe> but that's where you improve most imo
[22:57] doom9718> what is imo?
[22:57] [D]Guiseppe> in my opinion
[22:57] bignoobmanfr> yea maybe
[22:57] bignoobmanfr> but you 1v1 a shaman tell me how fun that is
[22:57] doom9718> lol
[22:57] [D]Guiseppe> I have
[22:57] bignoobmanfr> theres a time to imporove and a time to play for fun
[22:57] doom9718> its a challenge for me
[22:57] [D]Guiseppe> thats fair, im just sayin
[22:57] [D]Guiseppe> not criticizing you
[22:58] doom9718 out
[22:58] doom9718 in
[22:58] [AvA]Pharaoh in
[22:59] [D]Guiseppe> hi ziv
[22:59] doom9718> +1
[23:00] doom9718> full
[23:00] bignoobmanfr> cccping
[23:00] cccp out
[23:01] cccp in
[23:01] [GoD]Panda_bear> :poof:
[23:01] [GoD]Panda_bear out
[23:06] humanbean out
[23:06] [AvA]Pharaoh> oops sry my bad
[23:06] [AvA]Pharaoh> let's relaunch
[23:06] [D]Guiseppe out
[23:06] [AvA]Pharaoh> my net got disconnected for a few secs
[23:06] doom9718> :0
[23:06] bignoobmanfr> ah ok
[23:06] [D]Guiseppe in
[23:06] doom9718> cpp
[23:06] doom9718> cccp join us
[23:07] [D]Guiseppe> manu will join
[23:07] [D]Guiseppe> could use the practice
[23:11] [AvA]Mibbel out
[23:19] [AsG]Manl1> rofl
[23:20] nah> why did you surrender
[23:20] nah> JUST I DO NOT understand
[23:20] nah> Why do my Shaman just sits when I order spell
[23:20] nah> happened 5x in row
[23:21] nah> I oreder the spell she just stops and starts hitting stick on her leg
[23:21] nah> Known as idle
[23:21] Saito_Vdm> i think nah is ready
[23:21] Saito_Vdm> he is better than me
[23:21] Saito_Vdm> already
[23:21] nah> I lost bc of Stupid Shaman not ordering spells
[23:21] nah> I litearlly lost brain cells
[23:22] Saito_Vdm> how many?
[23:22] nah> You seen her sitting in front of your huts doing nothing
[23:22] nah> that is me clicking to cast a spell
[23:22] Saito_Vdm> do you had mana to cast those spells?
[23:22] nah> ofc I had
[23:22] nah> I had full spells for 5 minutes
[23:22] Saito_Vdm> hum
[23:22] Saito_Vdm> maybe she was a pacifist
[23:22] nah> could not cast them, she just goes idle
[23:22] nah> that or she really liked those mans in the huts
[23:23] Saito_Vdm> they had bd to be fair
[23:23] nah> :)
[23:24] nah> I just hope that I was not canceling order
[23:24] ExLordDeath in
[23:24] nah> bc left right click is not the same as one of RTS that I play xD
[23:30] Luxray in
[23:35] ExLordDeath out
[23:35] doom9718> gg wp
[23:36] [AvA]Pharaoh> gg
[23:36] bignoobmanfr> pharoah not bad he shitted on you
[23:36] bignoobmanfr> ggs
[23:36] [AvA]Pharaoh out
[23:37] [D]Guiseppe> Bignoob
[23:37] [D]Guiseppe> you should build full base way sooner
[23:41] [D]Guiseppe> :poof:
[23:41] [D]Guiseppe out
[23:47] Saito_Vdm> sess nah and me
[23:47] [GoD]FreeInca> naaaaaah
[23:48] bignoobmanfr> nah is old player
[23:48] [GoD]FreeInca> naaah
[23:57] doom9718 out